1.4 How to read this document
This document is a component of the product it describes. Keep the instructions easily
accessible at the place where the device is being used, so that they can be seen by the
staff at all times.
All persons must carefully read this document before any work on the product takes place
(commissioning, assembly, maintenance, etc.). Prerequisite for safe work and trouble-free
handling is that all relevant information, instructions and training for the use of the product
and substances it is used for have been obtained and understood. The tasks must be
performed or fulfilled according to the law and in accordance with this document.
Please follow the safety and warning instructions in the document and on the product. All
plant, operating, and work instructions of the owner-operator apply in addition to this doc-
The document also contains graphical examples along with the descriptions. The equip-
ment may differ somewhat from the descriptions and representations
1.5 Form and significance of warning information
High risk of severe damage
indicates an imminent hazard. If this is not averted, death or very serious injury will result
Moderate risk of severe damage
indicates the possibility of an imminent hazard. If this is not averted, death or very serious
injury may result.
Risk with minor damage
indicates the possibility of an imminent hazard. If this is not averted, slight or minimal inju-
ry may result.
Material damage
Foreseeable material damage for the product and environment with a failure to comply
with the specified measures.
This warning is displayed when there is a thread of danger or damage. This represents
actions which can cause a risk of damage.
Warnings are indicated by a symbol or signal word. The warning includes information on
the type and source of the hazard, the consequences if it occurs, and actions for averting