M50Q 230VAC series Motor
Quick Setup
© 2013 Electronic Solutions, Inc.
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Toggle Motor Direction:
1. Simultaneously press and hold
Button 1 (CCW) and Button 2 (CW), until both the
LEDs light (
approx. 5 seconds
) then release both buttons.
2. If motor direction is such that the Open command is CW, then the LEDs will blink
motor direction is such that the Open command is CCW, then the LEDs will blink
Determine Motor Version:
1. Power cycle the motor to determine motor firmware version.
2. On power-up, LEDs will blink
Low Voltage Cable Connections
: Each of the Low Voltage cables must be connected
the AC power connection is
in place and AC power is applied.
Manual inputs (dry contact) using 3-conductor, keyed low voltage cable:
If you plan to use relays from a building automation system, a Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) manual input
(dry contact) switch, or similar device,
for “contact closure control” of an M50Q motor, you will need to connect
the CBL 6 FT DM, sold separately.
1. Connect the CBL 6 FT DM to the 3-conductor, low voltage manual input (dry contact) connection, and
wire it to the contact closure control
— the center wire is COMMON.
IMPORTANT: When inserting the connector into the motor, do not use a metal tool to push the
connector into the socket.
2. Verify desired operation from the contact closure device.
RP Bus / RQ Bus using 5-conductor, keyed low voltage cable:
If you plan to utilize an RQ Bridge, Infrared Eye, or other RP/RQ accessory to control an M50Q motor, you will
need to connect the CBL 6 FT QE QM, or the CBL 1FT QE QM, each sold separately.
1. Connect the cable to the 5-conductor, low voltage data connection, and connect the modular plug into
the RP or RQ bus.
IMPORTANT: When inserting the connector into the motor, do not use a metal tool to push the
connector into the socket.
NOTE: the modular plug is an EYE as far as an RP bus connection is concerned.
2. Verify desired functions from an RP or RQ input device or accessory.
DO NOT attempt to send RS-232, RS-422, or contact closure to this connection.
If you plan to use an Infrared Eye to control an M50Q motor, you can connect the RE 1 FT QM, sold separately.
1. Connect the Infrared Eye to the 5-conductor, low voltage data connection.
IMPORTANT: When inserting the connector into the motor, do not use a metal tool to push the
connector into the socket.
2. Verify desired operation from the IR control.