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Standard FR1
The Standard FR1 meter mode (FR1 = Front and Rear signal strengths of 1 signal)
displays the band of the highest priority threat along with a front and rear bar graph of
its signal strength. The left bar graph shows the signal strength in front of the detector
while the right bar graph shows the signal strength from the rear. If there are multiple
alerts present, only the signal strength of the highest priority threat is displayed. Laser is
the highest priority threat, followed by Ka, K, then X band radar. The number in
between the bar graphs is the total number of alerts that are being detected.
Standard FR2
The Standard FR2 meter mode (FR2 = Front and Rear signal strengths of 2 signals)
displays the bands of the two highest priority threats along with a front and rear bar
graph of their signal strengths. The left bar graph shows the signal strength in front of
the detector while the right bar graph shows the signal strength from the rear. When
using this meter mode the rear signal strength bar graph is always the opposite color of
the selected display color. For instance, if blue is the display color, then the rear bar
graph will be red. If there are multiple alerts present, only the signal strength of the two
highest priority threats are displayed. Laser is the highest priority threat, followed by Ka,
K, then X band radar. The number in between the bar graphs is the total number of
alerts that are being detected.
Spec FR1
The Spec FR1 meter mode (FR1 = Front and Rear signal strengths of 1 signal) displays the
numeric frequency and band of the highest priority threat along with a front and rear
bar graph of its signal strength. The left bar graph shows the signal in front of the
detector while the right bar graph shows the signal strength from the rear. If there are
multiple alerts present, only the signal strength of the highest priority threat is
displayed. Laser is the highest priority threat, followed by Ka, K, then X band radar. The
number in between the bar graphs is the total number of alerts that are being detected.
Spec FR2
The Spec FR2 meter mode (FR2 = Front and Rear signal strengths of 2 signals) displays
the numeric frequency of the highest priority threat and the bands of the two highest
priority threats along with a front and rear bar graph of their signal strengths. The left
bar graph shows the signal in front of the detector while the right bar graph shows the
signal strength from the rear. When using this meter mode the rear signal strength bar
graph is always the opposite color of the selected display color. For instance, if blue is
the display color, then the rear bar graph will be red. If there are multiple alerts present,