1-5 1-6 1-7
Faulty LCD
• The beep sound is as normal and you can hear the noise
of the fan
• Remove the top cover; remove all the wires, as 1-8.
• Connect a new LCD to the LCD port on main board.
• If the new LCD functions properly, means the old one is
defective. Replace it.
• Unscrew the screws, as 1-9
• Replace LCD
1-8 1-9
power supply
•Check the SMPS (switching mode power supply)
•Input 230VAC or /- 10%.
•Output should be 9V-12V
If input is correct but output is not, then replace the SMPS.
Note: The power supply and power supply drive board are
combined into one part, need to replace the whole part.
problem or
power supply
Driver board
• Measure the incoming voltage on the power supply Driver
board at terminal J1, See drawing 1-11 below to locate
terminal J 1.
• Voltage should be 36VDC.
• If voltage is out of range, check connection between
SMPS and main board.
• If voltage is correct, the out put voltage is out of range,
refer to Appendix 1
• Replace the power supply driver board with.
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