EScale Samurai - Instruction Manual
33. Measure 15mm in from the centre line of the
The horn must located on the outside of this
line or it will foul on the fuselage.
34. Measure 7mm in from the hinge line.
Use a sharp hobby knife to cut a neat square
in the balsa fl ap.
The hole needs to go all the way through the
fl ap.
Test fi t the horn as shown.
Glue the horn in place using thick CA or 15min
35. Mark a point on the fuselage, 14mm out from
the centre line of the fuselage and 10mm
down from the top of the fuselage as shown.
Drill a hole at this point.
Use a servo tester or set up the receiver to
centre the fl ap servo.
Attach the fl ap pushrod wire to the servo
horn and fi t the servo horn to the servo in the
neutral position.
36. When the servo is in the neutral position, the
fl ap should be 50% down.
After carefully marking the pushrod wire with
a felt tip pen at the correct point to achieve
50% down, use pliers to make a right angle
bend AWAY from the fuselage as shown.