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© ESAB AB 2021
CA, constant amperage
The wire feed is controlled by the power source so that a constant amperage can be
• Constant current value can be selected in the main menu.
CW, constant wire feed
The welding current is a result of the selected wire feed speed.
• Constant wire feed can be selected in the main menu.
CC, constant current
(applies only to Aristo® 1000 power source)
The voltage is varied so that a constant welding current can be achieved.
• Constant current value can be selected in the main menu.
A higher wire speed gives a higher welding current.
Wire / electrode dimension
Selected dimensions have a great impact on the start procedure and crater filling. When
welding with other wire dimensions other than those found in the table, select one that has a
dimension close to one in the list.
• Wire / electrode dimension can be selected in the main menu. The available wire
material and dimension are affected by the combination of power source and welding
Arc voltage
Higher arc voltage increases the arc length and produces a hotter, wider weld pool.
• The arc voltage is set in the measurement display, weld data setting menu, or fast
mode menu.
Wire feed speed
This sets the required feed speed of the filler wire in cm/minute. A higher wire speed gives a
higher welding current.
• The wire feed speed is set in the measurement display, weld data setting menu, or fast
mode menu.
ICE wire feed speed
Cold wire feed speed is used to set a feed speed (cm/min or inch/min) for the cold wire.
• The cold wire feed speed is set in the measurement display, weld data setting menu, or
fast mode menu.