User Guide SpeedoCap 3
V 1.22
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4.1.2 Browse from the remote control
Press on the F key make browse between the screens.
The + and – keys are used for the ODO correction:
- A short press on ‘+’ adds 100m to ODO
- A continuous press on ‘+’ adds ODO continuously
- A short press on ‘-’ removes 100m from ODO
- A continuous press on ‘-‘ removes ODO continuously
A long press on F reset ODO to 0
In SPEED screen a long press on ‘+’ goes to MAX SPEED screen (as with keyboard)
In MAX SPEED screen a long press on ‘-‘ reset MAX SPEED to 0 (as with keyboard)
In TIME screen, remote control works like below:
Action on remote
On Time screen
On Chrono screen
‘F’ long
Go to Chrono screen
Go to Time screen
‘F’ short
Next nav screen
Next nav screen
‘-‘ long
Chrono reset (if chrono is not on)
‘+’ short
Chrono on/off
4.2 Time Chrono screen
When Chrono is working, the green LED is on even if you are not in the Chrono screen.