erowa MTS IntegralChuck S-P/A Скачать руководство пользователя страница 20

Beilage A

Appendix A

Edition 11.2013

Sicherheit, Garantie
und Haftung

Der Hersteller

CH-6233 Büron LU /
Tel. ++41 (0)41-935 11 11
Fax ++41 (0)41-935 12 13
e-mail: [email protected]

erklärt hiermit, dass seine Pro-
dukte nach modernsten Ferti-
gungsmethoden her ge stellt und 
während der Produktion und 
als Endprodukt durch unsere 
Qualitätssicherung umfassend 
geprüft werden.

Die Garantie beträgt 12 Mo-
nate ab Verkaufsdatum. Sie 
beschränkt sich auf den Ersatz 
von defekten Teilen. Weiterge-
hende Ansprüche sind ausge-

Die Produkte der EROWA AG 
müssen unter den, in dieser 
Dokumentation genannten Be-
dingungen, eingesetzt und be-
trieben werden. Es dürfen nur 
EROWA AG Originalteile (Er-
satz-, Verschleissteile, Nach-
rüstungen) verwendet werden. 
Nur unter Einhaltung dieser 
Konditionen ist eine Funktion 
sichergestellt und eine Gefähr-
dung von Mensch und Maschi-
ne ausgeschlossen.

Trotz aller Sorgfalt kann di-
ese Dokumentation Fehler 
aufweisen. Für Folgeschäden 
übernimmt die EROWA  AG 
keine Haftung. Technische Än-
derungen vorbehalten.

Security, guarantee
and liability


6233 Büron LU /
Tel. +41 (0)41 935 11 11
Fax +41 (0)41 935 12 13
Email: [email protected]

hereby con



rms that the 

company’s products are ma-
nufactured using the latest pro-
duction methods and that they 
are subject to extensive quality 
checks both during production 
and on the end product.

Guarantee is valid for 12 months 
from the date of purchase. It is 
limited to the replacement of 
faulty parts. Further reaching 
claims are precluded.

The products of EROWA AG 
must be installed and operated 
in strict accordance with the 
conditions laid down in this do-
cumentation. Only EROWA AG 
original parts (spare parts, wear 
parts, retro


 ts) are allowed for 

Only strict adherence to these 
conditions will ensure proper 
working order of the machine 
and preclude any danger to 
people and to the machine.

Despite all due care, this docu-
mentation may contain errors. 
EROWA AG shall not be liable 
for any consequential damage. 
Technical modi


 cations are re-



Diese Produkte sind durch eine 
oder mehrere der folgenden
Pa ten te (An mel dun gen) ge-


These products are protected 
by one or more of the following 
patents (applications).

US 4,615,688
US 4,621,821
US 5,065,991
US 4,686,768 
US 534,527
US 089,017 

US Re, 33,249
US 4,934,680
US 4,786,062
US 751,158
US 6,367,814
EU 0 111 092

EU 0 308 370
EU 0 147 531
EU 0 248 116
EU 237 614
EU 90810402.9
EU 90810401.9

EU 91810937.2
CAN 1,210,538
CAN 1,260,968
CAN 1,271,917
Taiwan 47696
Taiwan 55651

Taiwan 47122
Taiwan 61080
Taiwan 42155
Taiwan 80109549
Japan 024414/87
Japan 151430/90

Japan 335221/91
Japan 58-195916
Japan 238990/86
Japan 220264/88
Japan 151429/90
Taiwan 205105

Subsidiaries / Filiales


EROWA System Technologien GmbH

Gewerbepark Schwadermühle

Rossendorferstrasse 1

DE-90556 Cadolzburg b. Nbg.


Tel. 09103 7900-0

Fax 09103 7900-10

[email protected]


EROWA Distribution France Sàrl

PAE Les Glaisins

12, rue du Bulloz

FR-74940 Annecy-le-Vieux


Tel. 4 50 64 03 96

Fax 4 50 64 03 49

[email protected]



EROWA Tecnologie S.r.l. 

EROWA Tecnologie S.r.l.

Strada Statale 24 km 16,200 

Via Leonardo Da Vinci n. 8

IT-10091 Alpignano (TO) 

IT-31020 Villorba (TV)



Tel. 011 9664873 

Tel. 011 9664873

Fax 011 9664875 

Fax -

[email protected]  

[email protected]


EROWA Technology Ibérica S.L.

c/ Avda. Cornellá, 142 70 3a ext.

E-08950 Esplugues de Llobregat - Barcelona


Tel. 093 265 51 77

Fax 093 244 03 14

[email protected]


EROWA Technology Scandinavia A/S

Fasanvej 2

DK-5863  Ferritslev Fyn


Tel. 65 98 26 00

Fax 65 98 26 06

[email protected] 


EROWA Technology Sp. z o.o.

Eastern Europe

ul. Spó


dzielcza 37-39

55-080 K


ty Wroc




Tel. 71 363 5650

Fax 71 363 4970

[email protected]


EROWA Technology (India) Private Limited

No: 6-3-1191/6, Brij Tarang Building

Unit No-3F, 3rd Floor, Greenlands, Begumpet,

Hyderabad 500 016 (Andhra Pradesh)


Tel. 040 4013 3639

Fax 040 4013 3630

[email protected]


EROWA Technology, Inc.

North American Headquarters

2535 South Clearbrook Drive

Arlington Heights, IL 60005


Tel. 847 290 0295

Fax 847 290 0298

e-mail: [email protected]


EROWA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

G/F, No. 24 Factory Building House

69 Gui Qing Road (Caohejing Hi-tech Park)

Shanghai 200233, PRC


Tel. 021 6485 5028

Fax 021 6485 0119

[email protected] 


EROWA (South East Asia) Pte. Ltd.

CSE Global Building

No.2 Ubi View,  #03-03

Singapore 408556


Tel. 65 6547 4339

Fax 65 6547 4249

[email protected]


EROWA Nippon Ltd.

Sasano Bldg.

2-6-4 Shiba Daimon, Minato-ku

105-0012 Tokyo


Tel. 03 3437 0331

Fax 03 3437 0353

[email protected]

Annexe A

Sécurité, garantie 
et responsabilité

Le fabricant

CH-6233 Büron LU /
Tél. ++41 (0)41-935 11 11
Fax ++41 (0)41-935 12 13
e-mail: [email protected]

déclare par la présente que ses 
produits ont été fabriqués con-
formément aux méthodes de 
fabrication les plus modernes, 
et qu’ils ont été contrôlés de 
manière approfondie par no-
tre service d’assurance qualité 
pendant la fabrication et en tant 
que produit 



La durée de la garantie est de 
12 mois à compter de la date de 
la vente. Elle se limite au rem-
placement des pièces défec-
tueuses. Toute autre for me de 
recours au titre de la garantie 
est exclue.

L’utilisation et l’exploitation des 
produits EROWA AG doivent 
être conformes aux spéci



tions du présent document. 
Seules des pièces d’origine 
EROWA AG doivent être uti-
lisées (pièces de rechange, 
d’usure, de rééquipement).
L’observation de ce dernier est 
indispensable pour assurer un 


 able et préve-

nir les risques corporels et ma-

Malgré les soins apportés à sa 
rédaction, le présent document 
peut présenter des erreurs.
EROWA AG décline toute re-
sponsabilité résultant de telles 
erreurs. EROWA AG se réserve 
également le droit de procéder 
à des modi


 cations  d’ordre 


Brevets :

Ces produits sont protégés 
par les brevets (ou dépôts de 
brevet) suivants : 

Содержание MTS IntegralChuck S-P/A

Страница 1: palletization For safety guarantee liability and service addresses see Appendix A EROWA chucks are used to hold workpiece carriers and work piece clamping systems The MTS IntegralChuck S P A can be used for single or mul tiple palletization To be fitted to milling machines machining centers and clamping fixtures Application intended purpose Vérifier l intégralité de la livraison 1 x Mandrin Int...

Страница 2: ...oduct has been manufactured according to the generally recognized rules of technology and the state of the art of science and technology Even so machines involve risks which cannot be avoided by means of design and construc tion In order to provide person nel working with the EROWA Product with adequate safety additional precautions are pro vided Adequate safety at work with the EROWA Product can ...

Страница 3: ...ccording to the operat ing instructions machine tool ADVICE The operating company is re sponsible for the selection and verification of use of the individ ual protection equipment Protection devices Personal protective equipment WARNING Be sure to observe the maxi mum cleaning pressure Avoid excessive blowing with compressed air Risk of spra ying liquid and projection of chips etc To avoid eye inj...

Страница 4: ...rt ring G Sealing ring H O ring I Compression spring ADVICE When P pallets or MTS center ing and compensation spigots are inserted the centering prism D or the centering taper X must always be coated with a light oil or grease film Do not use any masses or pastes containing solid lubricants They may cause the chucking spigot to be stuck in the centering taper X Désignation des éléments A Couvercle...

Страница 5: ...2 Technische Daten Repetiergenauigkeit Spannkraft Druckluft Gespannt drucklos Automatisierbar ja Technical data Repeatability Clamping power Air pressure Tight depressurized Automatable yes Caractéristiques techniques Précision de répétabilité Force de serrage Pression pneumatique Serrage par dépressurisation Automatisable oui ...

Страница 6: ... Singlepalletizationincombination with MTS pallet ER 033601 opti on andpalletER 033602 option ADVICE The assembly spigot E may only be removed once the MTS IntegralChuck has been fitted to a machine table clamping fixture etc When it is not fitted the MTS IntegralChuck is under spring pressure If several fitting boreholes are drilled ensure that you are within a position tolerance of ø 0 01 Mise en se...

Страница 7: ...t 30 mm mak ing allowances for tolerance it can also be drilled right through which is recommended In addition make sure that the air can be drained off underneath or on the side O IMPORTANT An M6 air drain bolt option ER 060131 set of 4 units can be fitted into borehole O for protection against chips and splashing water INDICATION L alésage de diamètre 31H7 doit être dans les tolérances de 30 mm ...

Страница 8: ...ehole ø 6 ø 3 for com pressed airsupply threadfor pneumatic connection IMPORTANT The connection borehole ø 3 for cleaning and monitoring can be drilled anywhere on the refer ence circle ø 121 Make sure that the connection borehole ø 3 tallies with the position of borehole K so that compressed air supply will be guaranteed Ouverture fermeture Perçage ø 6 ø 3 pour ali mentation pneumatique filetage ...

Страница 9: ... the mounting surface do not get damaged Assembly Thoroughly clean and grease MTS IntegralChuck S P A and mounting surface use OKS 1155 silicon grease or equiva lent product Insert MTS IntegralChuck S P A by hand taking into account the position of the centering prisms D Screw in the 12 M6 socket head bolts K Align the chuck on the centering prisms by the help of a dial gauge L Tighten bolts to 16...

Страница 10: ...ection not supplied Once working order has been checked and ensured fit the 12 protectiv caps L 036986 Link up pneumatic control unit option with the connection J open Pneumatic connection not supplied Open the MTS IntegralChuck S P A to remove assembly spigot E Check tightness and working or der by opening and closing the chuck several times Le nettoyage et la surveillance du mandrin IntegralChuc...

Страница 11: ...trägers oder der Palette gebohrt werden Adaptation of the workpiece carriers or pallets Before a workpiece carrier or pallet M can be clamped in the MTS IntegralChuck S P A two sets of 4 recesses for the cen tering prisms D must be drilled into the underside of the work piece carrier or pallet L adaptation des supports de pièces ou des palettes Pour pouvoir serrer le support de pièces ou la palett...

Страница 12: ...ption Operation with pneumatic control unit a Manual pneumatic control unit with in built air pressure booster ER 025893 option The control unit is accompa nied by a detailed instruction manual Operation IMPORTANT To generate the necessary air pressure of 7bar combine the electropneumatic control unit with the air pressure booster ER 010520 option ADVICE Do not use any masses or pastes containing ...

Страница 13: ...nsation spigots fitted wrongly F Chucks cannot be opened C Supply pressure too low A Increase supply pressure to min 7bar F Pallet can not be removed with recommended air pressure of 7 bars C Centering prisms without grease A Remove pallet with care Slightly grease centering prisms Failures cause and action F failure C possible cause A action IMPORTANT For the correct fitting of the spigots refer t...

Страница 14: ...pigot A ER 033800 MTS Centering spigot ER 039200 MTS Chucking spigot A ER 039201 MTS Compensation spigot A ER 042038 MTS Cover TocoverMTSIntegralChucksS P which are not in use ER 033602 MTS Pallet P ø 148 ER 033601 Pallet P ø 148 MTS Pallets for single palletization Options IMPORTANT The in built booster generates an air pressure of max 10 bar ER 025893 Unité de commande pneumatique manuelle avec ...

Страница 15: ...trol unit with monitoring facility To operate the MTS Integral Chuck S P through the CNC control system All the connec tors and 3m of tubing are sup plied ER 060131 MTS air drain bolts MTS set of 4 units Options IMPORTANT The in built booster generates an air pressure of max 8 bar Technical support For questions regarding this product please contact info erowa com Pièces de rechange ER 034382 Kit ...

Страница 16: ...872 ER 074893 ER 035154 WICHTIG Weitere Produkte finden Sie im Gesamtkatalog und auf unserer Webseite www erowa com Weitere Produkte zu MTS MTS MTS 81 Palettiersysteme Einbauspannfutter Aufbauspannfutter Basisplatten Paletten Zubehör Abdeckung Dichtung IMPORTANT More products for MTS MTS MTS 81 Palletizing Systems IntegralChucks Mounted chucks Base plates Pallets Auxiliary Equipment Cover Sealing ...

Страница 17: ...we recom mend using the EROWA de vices specially designed for this purpose For more information please contact your EROWA consultant Soulevez la plaque de base MTS avec la grue seulement avec les oeillets prevus 1 AVERTISSEMENT IMPORTANT Pour le déplacement de porte pièces et de palettes lourdes il est recommandé d utiliser les dispositifs EROWA conçus à cette fin Consultez votre con seiller EROWA...

Страница 18: ...e with the follow ing provisions répond aux prescriptions sui vantes Richtlinie 2006 42 EG Anhang II B Maschinen 17 Mai 2006 Directive 2006 42 EC ANNEX II B Machinery 17 May 2006 Directive 2006 42 CE Annexe II B Machines 17 mai 2006 EROWA Spannfutter Type ER 036802 einschliesslich späterer Ände rungen der Richtlinien EG Richtlinien including later amendments to the directives EC Directives modific...

Страница 19: ...ormität des EROWA Spannfutters ist nach der Richtlinie 2006 42 EG Anhang II A gegeben wenn dieses gemäss der Betrieb sanleitung angeschlossen in Betrieb gesetzt und die Funktion getestet ist HINWEIS Normen ADVICE Commissioning of the incomple te machines EROWA Chuck is not permitted until they are as sembled to a complete system Only then they are considered a machine in accordance with the EC Mac...

Страница 20: ...ROWA Distribution France Sàrl PAE Les Glaisins 12 rue du Bulloz FR 74940 Annecy le Vieux France Tel 4 50 64 03 96 Fax 4 50 64 03 49 info erowa tm fr www erowa com Italien Italien EROWA Tecnologie S r l EROWA Tecnologie S r l Strada Statale 24 km 16 200 Via Leonardo Da Vinci n 8 IT 10091 Alpignano TO IT 31020 Villorba TV Italia Italia Tel 011 9664873 Tel 011 9664873 Fax 011 9664875 Fax info erowa i...
