ERMCO 11-16-21 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2




MANUAL #105 



Lightning Arresters: 

Conven onal transformers should be 

protected by properly rated lightning arresters. Ground 
connec ons on the arresters should be made before connec on 
to the high voltage line is made.  


CSP transformers are lightning protected by gapped or direct 
connected lightning arresters bolted to moun ng pads welded to 
the tank wall. Gapped arresters have an adjustable electrode on 
the top terminal of the arrester to obtain the proper gap se ng 
to the bushing electrode. 
Before the transformer is put into service, the gap type arrester 
electrode should be checked for proper gap alignment and 
spacing. Adjustments should be made as necessary. 


Secondary Breakers: 

ERMCO CSP and CP transformers are 

protected against secondary overloads and short circuits by an 
internally mounted circuit breaker. The func on of the breaker is 
to open the low voltage circuit and protect the transformer from 
faults or severe overloads. 


The breaker opera ng mechanism is designed to be operated by 
a lineman's hot s ck. Transformers are shipped with the circuit 
breakers closed. 
To open the low voltage manually, move the handle fully 
counterclockwise so that the pointer moves from the "C" (closed) 
to "O" (open), at which point the circuit is open. Verify that the 
circuit breaker is latched in the "open" posi on. To ensure the 
discharge of the sta c charge which is some mes present in the 
low voltage winding due to capacitance, it is recommended that 
the low voltage be grounded a er opening the circuit breaker 
un l a er the high voltage is disconnected. 
To close the breaker, rotate the handle fully counterclockwise to 
"R" (reset), which engages the latch mechanism, and then 
clockwise to "C" (closed). If a fault exists or an excessive load 
exists at the  me the breaker is closed, the breaker will reopen 
even though the handle is held in the "C" (closed) posi on. 
Some breakers are provided with a red signal light which gives 
warning that the load has reached a value near the tripping point 
of the breaker. The signal light remains lighted un l reset (turned 

) by means of the breaker opera ng handle. Transformers 

should not be operated under load condi ons that will cause the 
red light to appear frequently, since it indicates an overload on 
the transformer. When such a condi on exists, it is 
recommended that a larger transformer be subs tuted to avoid 
impairing the life of the smaller unit. 


To reset the signal light without disconnec ng the load, rotate 
the handle to "L" (light), and then return to "C" (closed). If the 

light fails to go out, the transformer is s ll overheated. To check 
the signal light bulb when the transformer is in service, rotate the 
handle to "L" (light). The light should turn on. If it does not, the 
bulb should be replaced. 
Some circuit breakers are equipped with an emergency overload 
device which can be used to restore service following a circuit 
breaker opera on due to overload. The emergency overload 
lever is located immediately above the breaker opera ng handle. 
With the emergency lever in the normal posi on, the breaker will 
trip at its normal se ng as calibrated at the factory. Moving the 
lever in a clockwise direc on increases the se ng so a higher 
temperature is required to trip the breaker. The emergency 
se ng may be adjusted to an intermediate or extreme value. 
This emergency se ng provides extra load capacity and s ll 
permits manual breaker opera on, and also retains short circuit 
protec on of the transformer. It is important that the emergency 
se ng be used only when, and as long as, absolutely necessary 
because its use will result in a reduc on of transformer life. 
A meter seal is provided on the emergency lever to prevent 
tampering. It is recommended that a new seal be applied to the 
lever when it is returned to the normal posi on a er emergency 
opera on. 
The breaker is a thermal and short circuit protec ve device for 
the transformer. It is not recommended that the breaker be used 
for rou ne disconnect opera ons. 



Cover and bushing gaskets are all made of Buna

N Nitrile rubber. 

Gaskets may be reused if not damaged. Round covers must seat 
evenly on the gaskets so that pressure is distributed evenly. The cover 
must be  ghtened 


rmly to insure an e

ec ve seal. 



ERMCO transformers rated for more than one primary voltage are 
equipped with a dual voltage switch or tap changer. 

These switches 

are externally operated, but should never be operated while the 
transformer is energized. When switching from one voltage to 
another, make sure the switch is in the proper posi on before re

energizing the transformer. A er turning the switch,  ghten the 
locking device to minimize the possibility of uninten onal 


Transformers should be stored 


lled with oil and in a clean dry place, 

if possible where there will be no extreme temperature changes. 
Before the transformer is put in service, it should be checked in the 
same manner as when received. 


ERMCO | 2225 Industrial Road |   Dyersburg, TN 38024 | (800)238

