4. Application Guides
Refer to the following application guide for help in connecting and configuring TESLA. It may be
downloaded from the Support section of our website on the
TESLA 4000-SV Sampled Values-Based Fault and Disturbance Recording
5. Video Tutorials
Watch the following video tutorials to guide software installation and basic communication setup.
The videos can be accessed from the Support section of our website on the
to the TESLA 4000 video section).
Connecting to a TESLA 4000 Using TCP Serial USB
TESLA Cybersecurity: Management and Configuration of Role Based Access Control
TESLA 4000 Ethernet Connection
The Application Guides and Videos pages also contain a range of other valuable TESLA
instructions and descriptions of specific applications.
For further information contact Customer Support at:
+1 204 477 0591 Ext 1
The specifications and product information contained in this document are subject to change without notice. In case of inconsistencies between
documents, the version at www.erlphase.com will be considered correct. (D05161R01.00)
Digitally signed by Julian Burgos
Date: 2022.03.22 08:51:38 -05'00'