CALL ORIGINATE ALERT (Trunked mode only) - WAIT will
momentarily be displayed when a call is being placed. Then a three-
tone alert is sounded to indicate the call origination is complete. This
indicates a channel was acquired and is ready for normal conversation.
SYSTEM BUSY (Trunked mode only) - A low frequency tone is
sounded for one second after attempting to place a trunked call and
BUSY will be displayed. This indicates that the GE-MARC system
is busy and you should try again later. If the "Call Retry" option has
been enabled during radio initialization by the system operator, the
radio will retry at 5 second intervals, up to 15 times unless
key is pressed or a channel is acquired, or an out-of-range condition
OUT OF RANGE ALERT (Trunked mode only) - If the NO SVC
status indicator is displayed and five beeps are sounded after attempt-
ing to place a trunked call, then the radio is out of range of the
GE-MARC system. If the beeps sound when the radio is within known
range of the system, the radio may need servicing (even though the self
diagnostic test passed at power on).
low frequency tone is sounded for one second immediately after
pressing the handset PTT and the display does not show WAIT. This
indicates a call was attempted within a group that is not enabled for
call originate
CARRIER CONTROL TIMER (Trunked and Conventional modes)
A pulsed tone signal is sounded after the handset PTT is pressed
continuously for a preprogrammed time in trunked mode. After nine
seconds of pulsing the alert tone, the radio unkeys the transmitter and
communications are interrupted. While the tone is pulsing, the user
can release and press the PTT again to reset the timer and resume the
conversation. In conventional mode, the radio unkeys and beeps until
the PTT switch is released. In Duplex mode a quick two note alert is
heard at the interval of the Carrier timer to let the user know that
interval has elapsed (i.e., every 1 minute if CCT = 1.0 minute) and
repeated at every time interval.
GE-MARC SYSTEM TONES - The GE-MARC system may give
other tones to alert the user of system time-out, etc. Contact your
GE-MARC system operator for details about these alert tones.