Table 9 (Cont.) - Troubleshooting Symptoms
All radio-originated interconnect calls
from all LIDs get rotary hunt tone after
the dial tone is heard.
The Site Controller’s personality does
not contain the correct value for the
Dial Tone Detect Duration parameter.
If the Site Controller software is V5.60
or higher, the Dial Tone Detect
Duration should be at least 1600
milliseconds. If not, replace with a new
personality with correct value.
All radio-originated interconnect calls
have no audio in both directions.
You attempted a digital interconnnect
call (from a prestored interconnect
number or via the radio keypad), and
digital interconnect calls are not
currently supported.
Reprogram the radio for analog (only)
interconnect calls (for all prestored
interconnect numbers and via the radio
All radio-originated interconnect calls
from all LIDs get call denied tone.
Personality in Site Controller computer
does not specify ELI option.
Replace present Personality PROMs
with PROMs that specify ELI option.
Database in Site Controller computer
has no radio channel defined for
interconnect calls.
Set the Interconnect parameter (in the
Site Controller computer database) to Y
for one or more interconnect channel
Database in Site Controller computer
has no dedicated line number or rotary
hunt sequence defined for any LID.
Set the Dedicated Line parameter (in
the Site Controller computer database)
to 0 for each LID.
Specify a rotary hunt sequence for each
LID (in the Site Controller computer
database) by assigning a non-zero
Rotary Number to each LID, and
defining a line number* sequence in the
Interconnect Rotary Definition for
each assigned rotary number.
*These line numbers must match GTI-
equipped radio channel numbers.
All radio-originated interconnect calls
from all LIDs get busy tone.
Database in Site Controller computer
has zero defined for the number of
concurrent interconnect calls.
Set the Max # Concurrent Intercon
parameter (in the Site Controller
computer database) to 1 or more.
Database in Site Controller computer
has no (or the wrong) line number
defined for interconnect calls.
Set the Line Active parameter (in the
Site Controller computer database) to Y
for one or more line numbers.
All telephone-originated interconnect
calls have no audio from telephone to
radio (audio from radio to telephone is
Application Software in Site Controller
computer does not support the ELI
Replace the present Application
Software PROMs with PROMs marked
344A3265Gx, where x=5 or higher.
Personality in the Site Controller
computer does not specify the ELI
Replace the present Personality PROMs
with PROMs that specify the ELI