The below statements are listed as troubleshooting guidelines. Further information is available through Ericson support.
Q: Is UV-C disinfection strictly line of sight?
Yes, it needs to shine on the surface to disinfect. It will not go around objects or disinfect shadowed areas.
Q: Does UV-C light reflect off surfaces?
Yes, it reflects off many surfaces, but loses intensity dramatically if the surface is not highly polished like the Stainless-Steel center
installed on our unit.
Q: Is the UV-C light I can see under the door dangerous?
Zero exposure to people is imperative so block it or protect your eyes and skin (please note: 254nm UV-C wavelength is invisible, what
is seen is visible light)
Q: Does UV-C light go through glass or windows?
Standard window glass or poly carbonate provides sufficient protection from UVC rays.
Q: Can I use an ATP Meter with the PK-CART?
Yes. When used by properly trained personnel, it can be used to measure how clean a surface is.
Q: Can I use a response card with the PK-CART?
Yes, it can be used to indicate the correct dose has been applied to a surface
Q: What is the difference between bacteria and sporicidal modes?
Your PK-CART Ultra is equipped with two modes of operation, Bacterial and Sporicidal. It is important for the user to understand the
difference between the two. For sporicidal mode, the time function is doubled. Spores are the more difficult microorganism to target due
to the composition of the cell membrane. In order to be categorized as a spore a rigid protective layer on the cell membrane must exist.
Most common bacteria and viruses do not have this protective layer or have a layer of less rigid protection like lipids and are much easier
to deactivate using UV-C light. A common example of a sporicidal target is Clostridium difficile, or C. Diff.