The modulation is bipolar around the current value of the parameter. So for a full
range modulation the target parameters value is best set to 50%.
The mod matrix has a special mod target called “
”. Using this target, the
incoming Cvs are scaled to allow tonal play of the voices using a 1V/Oct CV
source. Amount has to be set to 100% for exact tracking. In 1V/Oct mode negative
CVs are ignored. This gives you a 5 octave range.
There are 6 low frequency oscillator. They are basically the same as the audio
oscillators, but run at a lower maximum rate.
The LFO menu is accessed by pressing
The 6 LFOs can be selected by holding the
button and pushing one of the
buttons while the LFO menu is active.
Unlike the audio oscillators you can not hear the LFOs directly. They are used to
alter other parameter values over time. For example if you want the filter of a
voice to slowly open and close again, you can use a sine lfo to modulate the filter
4.4. FX MODE
The LXR provides a digital FX processor. Only 1 effect can be used at a time. Currently
there are 4 FX available: Drive, Ringmodulator, Compressor and Delay.
You can use the FX processor, by setting the output routing on the mixer page to
“FX”. So the voice will be routed to the FX bus before going to the output. So you can
select which of the voices will be processed by the FX processor.
Displayed name
Manual LFO rate control. Only available
when sync is turned off!
LFO frequency
When the LFO is retriggered, it is reset
to the selected phase offset.
Phase offset
Select the LFO waveform.
> Sine (sin)
> Triangle (tri)
> Saw up (sup)
> Saw down (sdn)
> Square (sqr)
> Random (rnd)
> Exponential saw up (xup)
> Exponential saw down (xdn)
LFO waveform
Allows the LFO to be retriggered from
different sequencer tracks. Select the
voice that should retrigger the LFO (v1-v6)
and it will reset its phase whenever a
note is played on the selected track.
LFO retrigger
Did you know?
You can use the LFO as an additional envelope using the retrigger
feature. If set to the same voice as the modulation destination, the LFO
will restart on every played note. You just have to set the LFO frequency
so that one cycle of the LFO is slightly longer than the amplitude
envelope, so it won't start a new cycle while the note is still playing. Great
for filter decay envelopes on juice synth bass souds!