950-032 D1C1 manual ver. E
ergonomic products • 198 Airport Rd • Fall River, MA 02720 • 866-374-6487
SRS Compact Cart
Model: D1C1
When you should shock:
Before using your EP Workstation for the first time, shock your dental unit waterlines.
At least every quarter (There are yearly continuous products, please refer to manufacturer)
When your waterline test results reveal contamination of 500CFU/mL
Any time you change up your daily waterline maintenance protocol
Daily Maintenance:
Fill water bottles with use of daily and a water treatment (For example; BluTab; EPA registration
Flush waterlines at the beginning of the day for 30 seconds
Flush waterlines for 30 seconds between patients
Empty water bottles nightly
It is important to test the water in your self-contained dental unit once per month. If monthly results meet
water quality requirements for all treatment rooms for three consecutive months, reduce testing to once
every three months. Check with your dental supplier or local municipality for testing kits.
Treatment During periods of inactivity
Shut Down:
1. Remove and empty water bottle
2. Purge water from all waterlines including handpieces, ultrasonic scalers, and A/W Syringe.
3. Place empty water bottle back on unit.
Start up:
1. Shock dental unit
2. Test waterlines
3. Resume daily maintenance and fill water bottle.
Caution: Ergonomic Products self-contained water systems are not designed to deliver sterile
solution. A separate means for administering sterile coolant and irrigant is required if you use the
Ergonomic Products Workstations for surgical procedures.
Caution: Do not use saline solutions, mouth rinses or any chemical solutions not specified in this
guide in your Ergonomic Products Self- Contained water system. These may damage the system
components and cause equipment failure.
Check water lines periodically for deterioration and replace if necessary prior to patient use. If wa-
ter line tubing needs to be replaced, please contact Ergonomic Products.
Ergonomic Products does not assume responsibility for you waterline treatment decisions. Always
choose a waterlines maintenance protocol that fits your practice needs and in your practice budget.
All microbials used for dental waterline maintenance must be registered with the EPA. NOTE: De-
pending on the cleaning/shock product used, you may need up to 3 days to complete the cleaning/
shocking protocol. Always follow manufacturer instructions for cleaning/shocking procedures