Description of the equivalence keys for flu-
orescent lamps
The equivalence key for fluorescent lamps for tanning that is represented in
detail in the IEC 61228 and that is marked on the lamp in a readable and
permanent manner, is described in the following.
The equivalence key has the following structure:
Wattage – Reflector type key – UV key.
The following reflector type key should be used for the equivalence key:
O with lamps without reflector;
B with lamps that have a wide reflecting angle
> 230°;
N with lamps that have a narrow reflecting angle
< 200°;
R with lamps that have the usual reflecting angle
The following UV key should be used for the equivalence key:
UV key = X/Y;
X = the entire effective erythematic UV radiation strength across the range
250 nm to 400 nm;
Y = the relationship of the non-melanoma skin cancer effective UV radiation
320 nm and > 320 nm.
X is specified in mW/m² and rounded up to the next whole value, Y will be
rounded to the first decimal place after the point. The effective values apply
for a distance of 25 cm and under the conditions of an optimum UV radiation
One example for an equivalence key is specified below:
100 W reflector lamp with a reflector angle of 220°
erythematic UV radiation strength
(250 nm to 400 nm) = 47 mW/m²
short wave NMSC effective UV radiation strength
320 nm) = 61 mW/m²
long wave NMSC effective UV radiation strength
(> 320 nm) = 19 mW/m²
lamp equivalence key: 100–R–47/3.2