Attach the sling to the spreader bar
Winncare Nordic excludes any liability if the sling is not correctly attached to the
hook on the spreader bar.
It is always the responsibility of the helper to ensure that the correct sling is used
and that it is suitable for the need/purpose
Attach the sling strap to the open hook.
Pulling the strap down causes the lock to close with a “click”
The lifting hook is designed in such a way that the user's weight
automatically keeps the hook locked.
To unhook the strap, pulling the strap up causes the hook to open.
Care should be taken to avoid the user’s fingers becoming
caught in the hook.
Standing sling
with one buckle
Standing sling
with two buckles
Standing sling is for users who can stand by themselves during the transfer, but needs
assistance getting up from sitting position or assistance to sit down.
Standing sling are used for users with standing function and a good upper body control.