D1 Series
User Guide, Rev. 03 (September 2016)
TimeDtx [0....255] (msec):
Define the waiting time between the stop of data flow on the communication port
and the sending of packet by radio. If the data to be send presents one or more long pauses may be useful
increase this time to masks this pause.
Baud Rate DTE [1200/2400/4800/9600/19200/38400] (bps):
Communication Port Speed in bit per second.
Baud Rate Radio [2400/3600/4800] (bps):
Radio communication Speed in bit per second. The maximum
speed maybe used only in an high SINAD connection as an installation where both antennas are in optical
view and/or quite elevated from ground.
Read Push-button:
When selected read the data in all channels.
Write Push-button:
When selected load the inserted data in all channels.
Exit Push-button:
Quit to desktop.
The Toolbar on upper side of the screen contains the
Help Menu
Each menu can be opened as a normal Windows menu using both mouse or keys.
FILE Menu:
- Open
(path/filename): Load an existing file in the configurator utility.
- Save
(path/filename): Update an existing file after a change in the parameters.
- Save As
(path/filename): Create a new file containing all configuration data. The user can be select an
adequate filename and choose the destination folder. The default destination folder is the same which
contains the software.
Options Menu:
- Local:
Configure the radiomodem linked up communication port.
- Remote:
Configure a remote unit by the unit linked up communication port.
- Serial port selector [COM1/2]:
Open the serial port selection box.
- Band selector [1....8]:
Display the operative band of the unit. If not any operation of read/write was never
done its possible change the operative band otherwise is imposed by radiomodem.
Help Menu:
- Index F1:
Open this Help file permitting the Italian/English language choose.
- About:
Display the information about the configuration software.
Channel Copy:
Its possible copy all the parameters of a channel in another by positioning the cursor over the channel to be
copied, pushing the right button of the mouse to open the dialog box and choosing
. Now move the
cursor over the channel to be updated push the right button of the mouse to open the dialog box and choose
. Press
Paste to all channels
to copy the data in all the other channels.
Link Test
In this page it is possible verify the radio link. Connect the radio modem to the serial port of the
computer and follow the shown instructions.
Advanced configuration