AVR™ Professional Starter System
User Manual V1.02
Opening an example BASIC project
Various examples are contained in \avrbasic\ examples BASIC source files have the extension .bas,
i.e. your .bas is your program!
The files in AVR™ BASIC for your project are:
your.asm :
AVR assembler source file
: List file
: Basic source file
: Object file
: Compiler settings*
: File for EEPROM
: Error file
: file for FLASH ROMi. avrasm
ii AVR Assembler
This macro assembler is a freeware product which has been integrated into the IDE. It is
possible to write a file within the IDE editor and then compile it to produce executable code.
Example assembly source files can be found in the .../avrbasic/asm directory.
Restricted to 1K bytes of code
AT90S1200 instruction set only
The following Atmel tools are also supplied with this system:
i. AVR Assembler - wavrasm
This assembler is written and freely distributed by Atmel the Atmel Corporation. This is a
separate freeware application which is included for completeness. Equinox Technologies are
not able to offer an technical support for this product. A user guide for this product plus
other handy hints can be found on Atmel's web site.
AVR Assembler
This system allows you to author code in AVR assembler. There is a choice of
two assemblers:
Technical Support
Due to the low cost nature of this product, no formal technical support can be offered.
Please consult the ‘AVR BASIC Web Site’ at www.avrbasic.com
for further information or e-mail: [email protected].
* May not be implemented in early versions
Integrated Development Environment Overview