High Quality Scanning
With an advanced micro-step drive for scanning
resolutions of up to 1200 x 2400dpi, the Epson
PHOTO RX530 achieves amazingly accurate
and photographic scanning. Add to this a pixel depth of
48-bit (input) and 24-bit (output), scanning accuracy
levels are outstanding.
Individual Intellidge
Ink Cartridges
With individual Epson Intellidge ink cartridges, the
Epson STYLUS PHOTO RX530 is ideal for users
looking for a high quality multi-function printer
with exceptionally high levels of ink utilisation.
Each Intellidge ink cartridge contains sophisticated
circuitry that maintains an accurate record of how
much ink has been used and the amount remaining.
Instead of running out of ink half-way through a print
job, the Epson STYLUS PHOTO RX530 printer driver
checks on the amount of ink in each cartridge and
then displays a warning if one or more cartridges are
running low.
Since each Intellidge ink cartridge tracks its own ink
levels and maintains that information even when
unplugged from the unit, it’s the best possible system
for using full cartridges for continuous large print jobs
whilst partly used cartridges can be used for other
smaller jobs - maximum ink usage, maximum benefits.
Economic individual ink cartridges,
only replace the one you need.
Economic Creativity Suite
Colour restoration
Film and slide holder
Epson Creativity Suite
Featuring a new photo software product, Epson
Creativity Suite, the Epson STYLUS PHOTO RX530
represents a total imaging solution. Epson File
Manager is the central application from which a
range of powerful photo image management and
manipulation projects are controlled. Epson File
Manager delivers broad support for simple
drag-and-drop batch-file projects, such as Easy
Photo Print and Attach to E-mail.
A distinct benefit provided by the Epson File
Manager is its multi-storage device access.
Whether images are stored on the computer’s hard
disk, a connected Digital Still Camera or a range of
other devices, Epson File Manager functions as a
single-point interface.
Adding functionality to Epson Creativity Suite is a
host of image project management tools, which
• Image Clip Palette: Easy changing of image
resolution and size
• Epson Web-to-Page: Printing of an entire Web
page without truncation and cropping
• Easy Photo Print: Straight forward photo printing,
either single or multiple copies
• Epson Copy: Ensuring your Epson STYLUS
PHOTO RX530 is a feature-enhanced
• Attach-to-Email: Quick formatting and attaching
of images suitable to e-mail
• Scan to PC: Powerful scanning and storage of
documents and photos
Colour Copier