Epson Research and Development
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Vancouver Design Center
S5U13743P00C100 Evaluation Board User Manual
Issue Date: 2007/08/15
Revision 1.0
4.2 Clocks
The clock for the S1D13743 Mobile Graphics Engine is provided by a 4MHz oscillator.
The S5U13743P00C100 evaluation board has a DIP14 footprint for an optional second
oscillator, Y2. This is provided for cases requiring a different clock frequency for the
S1D13743 Mobile Graphics Engine. To use Y2, an oscillator must be populated in the Y2
footprint and the following board modifications must be made.
1. Remove R10 (33 ohm resistor, size 0402) to cut the output of Y1.
2. Populate R13 with a 33 ohm resistor, size 0402, to connect the output of Y2 to the
CLKI input of the S1D13743 Mobile Graphics Engine.
If the board is configured for an IOVDD voltage below 3.0V, an oscillator working at
the selected IOVDD voltage must be used at Y2. The on-board 4MHz oscillator is not
specified to work below a 3.0V supply voltage.
The S1D13743 MGE can output the input clock on the CLKOUT pin depending on the state
of the CLKOUTEN input. Both these signals are available on the H4 connector: CLKOUT
on pin 1 and CLKOUTEN on pin 4. On the board the CLKOUTEN pin is pulled down
which disables the CLKOUT signal. Note that connector H4 is not populated on the
S5U13743P00C100 evaluation board.
4.3 Reset
The S1D13743 Mobile Graphics Engine on the S5U13743P00C100 evaluation board can
be reset using a push-button (SW2), or via an active low reset signal from the host devel-
opment platform (pin 33 on the H1 connector).
4.4 Power Save
The S1D13743 chip has an input called PWRSVE that will enable (when high) or disable
(when low) the power save mode. This signal is available on pin 5 of the H4 connector. On
the board the PWRSVE pin is pulled down which means power save mode is controlled
only by the S1D13743 register setting. Note that connector H4 is not populated on the
S5U13743P00C100 evaluation board.