Seiko Epson Corporation
A clipping area over error
occurs if the whole of an
object/image is drawn
outside the clipping area.
No error occurs if a part of
an object/image is beyond
the clipping area.
Work area
(CLIP_UPL_X[11:0], CLIP_UPL_Y[11:0])
(CLIP_LWR_X[11:0], CLIP_LWR_Y[11:0])
Clipping area
(VWIN_W[11:0], VWIN_H[11:0])
(0, 0)
3.1.3 Clipping Area
Figure 27.
To configure a clipping area, write the coordinate values of the upper left and lower right corners to the regis-
ters shown below.
X coordinate of the upper left corner (0 to 4,095): CLIP_UPL_X[11:0]/GE_CLIP_ST register
Y coordinate of the upper left corner (0 to 4,095): CLIP_UPL_Y[11:0]/GE_CLIP_ST register
X coordinate of the lower right corner (0 to 4,095): CLIP_LWR_X[11:0]/GE_CLIP_END register
Y coordinate of the lower right corner (0 to 4,095): CLIP_LWR_Y[11:0]/GE_CLIP_END register
Configuring a clipping area using these registers does not enable the clipping function. Enable it in the drawing
commands to perform clipping.
If the whole of an object/image drawn by a command is located outside the clipping area when the clipping
function is enabled, a clipping area over error occurs (an interrupt can be generated). If only a part of an object/
image is beyond the clipping area, the drawing within the clipping area is performed without an error.
Notes: • When configuring a clipping area, the X and Y coordinates of the upper left corner must be set
first. Otherwise, proper operations cannot be guaranteed.
• Do not configure a clipping area that exceeds the work area, as proper drawing results cannot
be guaranteed.
• When the GE_CONFIG command is used to set the GE_CLIP_ST register, the setting value
is not written to the register until the GE_CONFIG command for setting the GE_CLIP_END
register is executed.
Drawing Basic Objects
This section introduces the objects that can be drawn using the drawing commands. The drawing commands also
allow drawing effect specifications such as clipping and transparency (see Section 27.3.5).
Dot drawing / DOT command (0x10)
Fills the pixel at the X and Y coordinates specified with the specified color.