Editing Photos in PhotoPC 500 7-11
The image may lose information when it is changed to a
different type, so you should always keep your original file
and use the
Save As
command to create the converted file.
Five image data types are available on the Convert menu:
1-bit black-and-white
This type of image is like a drawing with no shades of
gray. You must convert black-and-white images to
grayscale if you want to use PhotoPC 500
enhancements or special effects.
8-bit grayscale
This type of image contains 256 shades of gray, like a
black-and-white photograph. You can use most
PhotoPC 500 tools and commands with grayscale
images. If you want to print a color image with a
black-and-white printer, you should convert it to
grayscale first. This makes the image file smaller
(in KB) and faster to process.
4-bit indexed 16-color
Some older VGA monitors and software applications
can display only 16 colors. Use this data type for images
that may be viewed on low-resolution systems or used
with older software.
8-bit indexed 256-color
Some Super VGA monitors and software can display
only 256 colors. Use this data type for the best image
quality on low-resolution systems or with some
software applications.
PhotoPC 500 special effects and some other features don’t
work on indexed color images.
24-bit RGB True Color (over 16 million colors)
This type of image provides the most accurate color
and gives you the most options for editing and
enhancing in PhotoPC 500. You can convert your
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