Self test
The initial diagnostics procedures a system performs to check its
The type of interface that transmits data one bit at a time. See
Interface, Parallel.
The programs that enable the computer to perform the tasks
and functions you indicate.
Source diskette
diskette that you are reading or copying data from during a
copy or backup operation.
Stop bit
A signal sent in serial communications to mark the end of a
A directory or group of files that branches down from another
subdirectory or from the root directory.
An option added to an MS-DOS command that redirects the
way the command works. Switches must be preceded by a /
(forward slash). For example, if you add the /S switch to a
FORMAT command, MS-DOS installs the operating system on
a diskette as it formats it.
System diskette
A diskette that contains the operating system.
Target diskette
The diskette that you are writing or copying data to during a
copy or backup operation.
Glossary 11
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Страница 57: ...2 16 Using Your Apex ...
Страница 91: ...3 34 Using MS DOS with Your Apex ...
Страница 101: ...4 10 Installing Option Cards ...
Страница 136: ...Computer accessories Internal 300 1200 baud modem card C203A A External 300 l200 baud modem C202A A Specifications C 5 ...
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