S a v e M o n e y a n d I m p r o v e Y o u r P r i n t i n g
MIS Associates Inc 2901 Auburn Rd Auburn Hills, MI 48326 800-445-8296
http://www.inksupply.com Fax: 248-289-6013 Email: [email protected]
Run second cleaning cycle, then another nozzle check. On the second cleaning cycle
there is about 7 seconds worth of pumping and the ink should travel several inches
up the tubes.
If the nozzle check is good, skip the third cleaning cycle. If necessary, run a third
cleaning cycle, then another Nozzle check.
Print 10 pages of the purging image (purge4.tif) then run 3 more cleaning cycles,
then 10 more copies of purge4. Repeat the cleaning cycles and printing of purge4
until the inks reach the cartridges. Check the nozzles. If they are perfect, you are
ready to start printing. If not, run a cleaning cycle and check them again.
If all went well, you are almost finished. You can print some images and use the
printer like you normally would use it. If you see any banding, run a couple of nozzle
check – cleaning cycles. It will clear up.
When the day is done, check your tubes. The ink should be right up to the
cartridges. The next morning, the ink will have retracted a little bit, as much as 4
inches back from the cartridges. This is normal. When you start to print again the
ink will be drawn into the cartridges and it will function normally.
In the morning, if you see the ink has retracted more than half way back to the
bottles, on any of the tubes,
this is a problem
. It means there is an air leak. There
is no fix for this, other than a new continuous flow cartridge. We will replace it at
no cost if this occurs.
You should enjoy printing with a minimum of problems. Occasionally you will have to
run a couple of cleaning cycles, just like you would have to without the CFS. The
bottles hold approximately 12 cartridges full of ink, when they get to 1/4 full,
remove the top and add more ink. There is no vacuum in the bottles, they are
vented to atmosphere. The tops can be removed at any time.
Resetting the Out of Ink Switches –
On the 1160 printer there are two switches in the front of the cartridge holder.
These switches get released and then pushed in each time you remove the Switch
Activators (previously done by the cartridge clamps). These switches control the
lights on the front panel of the printer. When an out of ink condition occurs, the
lights come on and the printer will not print again until the switches are reset.
Removing the cartridges is
desirable. When the cartridges are lifted off of
the printer posts, inside the cartridge holder, an air pocket forms in the