Instruction Manual
PS 8000 DT Series
Date: 03-05-2016
6.2.2 Pushbutton Preset UVL / OVP
During normal operation, this button is used to switch the display
from actual voltage to the set value of the undervoltage limit
(one push) or the overvoltage protection threshold (two pushes).
The left display area will then show like this:
The undervoltage limit (UVL) is only an adjustment limit for the
output voltage value. It means, if UVL is set to anything above
0, the voltage set value can only be adjusted down to the UVL
value. In the same way, the UVL value can only be adjusted up
to the voltage set value.
The left rotary knob (
Voltage / UVL / OVP
) is used to adjust the
UVL value from 0...U
A second push of the button changes to overvoltage protection
threshold preset (OVP). This value can always be adjusted
from 0...110% U
A third push leaves the preset mode instantly or it ends automati-
cally, if no preset button is pushed or any set value is altered
within 5 seconds.
During remote control by digital interface, the preset mode can
be used to check the OVP set value that is given from remote.
The button might be locked by the condition
In memory selection mode the button is also used to switch to
the UVL or OVP value of the selected memory set, but in this
mode the values are not active yet. The left display area will
then show like this:
6.2.3 Pushbutton Preset Power
During normal operation, this button is used to switch the
display from actual current to preset value of the output power
(i.e. preset mode).
Only models from
1 kW
feature an adjustable power regulation
and will show like this on the right display area:
In preset mode, the right rotary knob (
Current / Power
) is used
to adjust the power set value from 0...100% P
. The adjusted
value is instantly transferred to the output.
A second push leaves the preset mode instantly or it ends
automatically, if no preset button is pushed or any set value is
altered within 5 seconds.
The button might be locked by the condition
Operating the device
During remote control by analogue or digital interface, the
preset mode can be used to check the power set value that is
given from remote.
In memory selection mode the button is also used to switch to
the power set value (only models from 1 kW) of the selected
memory set, but in this mode the set value is not transferred
to the output. The right display area will then show like this:
6.2.4 Pushbutton Preset Current
During normal operation, this button is used to switch the
display from actual to preset value of the output current (i.e.
preset mode).
The right display area will then show like this:
In preset mode, the right rotary knob (
Current / Power
) is used
to adjust the set value of current from 0...100% I
the same
way as in normal operation. The adjusted value is instantly
transferred to the output.
A second push leaves the preset mode instantly or it ends
automatically, if no preset button is pushed or any set value is
altered within 5 seconds.
During remote control by analogue or digital interface, the
preset mode can be used to check the current set value that is
given from remote.
The button might be locked by the condition
In memory selection mode the button is also used to switch to
the current set value of the selected memory set, but in this
mode the set value is not transferred to the output. The right
display area will then show like this: