• Ultraviolet, and infrared radiation is emitted from metal halide lamps.
• Possible skin or eye irritation can result from exposures exceeding 15 minutes.
• Do not stare at exposed lamp in operation.
• Do not remove the lamp from light fixture until it has cooled.
• Never handle the lamp when it is operating!
E n g i n e e red Prod u cts Co m p a ny
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Lamp Installation
1. Install the supplied lamp and make sure that the extended center contact on
the bottom of the lamp is fully “seated” into the fixture’s lamp socket to
complete the circuit. Note: If the lamp is not fully seated into the fixture’s
lamp socket, the lamp will not light.
Lamp Safety Guard Installation
1. After you have installed the lamp into the fixture you can now install the Lamp
Guard to protect the lamp from damage.
2. Place the Lamp Guard on a flat surface. Locate the three (3) contact points on the
Lamp Guard - the two (2) closed-loop “round” tangs and the one (1) round hook. They should be facing upward. Connect the
round hook onto the bottom section of the Safety Cage as shown in Figure 3. The Lamp Guard should swing downward but
still remain attached to the Safety Cage by the round hook.
3. Swing the Lamp Guard upward so that one of the round tangs fits onto the bottom section of the Safety Cage. Then apply
upward pressure on the second tang until it also fits onto the bottom section on the Safety Cage. Rotate the Lamp Guard either
left or right to make sure it is firmly attached.
Safety Cage
Lamp Guard
Tangs (2)
E02-053-003 B1 (8/09 - AGIII)
Figure 3.
Installing, opening and closing the
Lamp Safety Guard.