Rev. A
http: www.networketi.com
Environmental Technology, Inc.
43 of 94
Automatic Air Dehydrator
Instruction Manual
One of the 22 system alarm conditions, Alarm 17, specifically, relates to
the configuration of the humidity sensor setting. Alarm 17 will be indicated
either if there is a humidity sensor present but the system is currently
configured as N or if there is no humidity sensor present though the
system is currently configured as Y.
An intentional 10-minute delay has been built into the system software
from the time the Y configuration is made until the time Alarm 17 is
indicated in the display window (“
. This delay allows for the
installation of the humidity sensor. If you just configured the humidity
sensor setting from N to Y but have not yet actually installed the sensor,
install it at this time on the back panel of the unit.
If the humidity sensor has been installed and you have changed the
setting from N to Y to indicate the presence of the humidity sensor, you
should not see Alarm 17 indicated on the display. If, however, you do see
Alarm 17 indicated in the display window (“HUMSENSR”), shut off unit
power, then turn it back on to clear the situation.