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Factory default setting
The meter has a function to return to factory default setting, which can be set up in P1.3. All
calibration data will be deleted, and the meter will restore to the theory value (zero electrical
potential of pH is 7.00, the slope is 100%). Some functions restore to the default value (refer to
Appendix - 1). When calibration or measurement fails, please restore the meter to factory default
setting and then perform re-calibration or measurement. Please note once set the factory default,
all the data deleted will be irretrievable.
Customized calibration (take 1.60pH & 6.50pH as example)
Choose CUS (customized calibration) in parameter setting P1.1, the meter enters customize
calibration mode.
Rinse the electrode with distilled or deionized water, allow it to dry. Long press to enter
calibration mode, dip it into 1.60pH calibration solution, stir gently and let it stand still and
wait for the reading to become stable. When the smiley icon displays on LCD, press
to adjust the value to 1.60, then press to confirm the calibration. The meter goes
back to measurement mode, and the 1st point calibration is completed.
Dip the electrode into 6.50pH buffer solution, follow the steps as per Section 4.6.2 to finish
the 2
point of calibration. The meter can conduct 1 or 2 points of customized calibration.
Notes regarding customized calibration
Calibration indicator will NOT appear at the bottom left of the LCD for a customized
The pH of
customized calibration
is the measurement under certain temperature. The
meter must calibrate and measure in the same temperature, otherwise it will be inaccurate.
The meter does not recognize customize calibration solutions.
Self-diagnosis information
Among the calibration and measurement procedure, the meter has self-diagnosis function,
indicating relevant information, see Table - 4.