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Page 2 • 700142B • ENTRON Controls, LLC.


When choosing mounting location, bear in mind the wire harnesses joining the assemblies have a
finite length. The various cable lengths are as follows:


Control Power (from Transformer to Display Panel)

30" length


Firing Signal Interface (from Display to Firing Board Panel)

38" length


Initiation Input Interface (from Display to I/O Panel)

31" length

When locating these assemblies, be aware cable routing
distance must be taken into account. Provide some slack to
minimize over-stressing the cable connection terminations.
Locate SCRs near the Firing Board Assembly. SCR gate and
cathode wires should be physically isolated from other wiring
to avoid electrical transients from causing false triggering of
SCRs (fusing may be required). Some SCRs have sensitive
gates. In these cases, special care should be taken to isolate
interconnecting wires.

Use the Wiring Diagram (See Reference Information on page
3 for correct Wiring Diagram) to connect the control. When
making connections from Circuit Board to Circuit Board via
a 16 pin ribbon cable, be sure the red stripe (indicating pin 1)
is in the correct orientation. Ribbon cable connections from
Firing Board to Firing Board (In and Out) should already be
installed. Customer connections have been highlighted on the
Wiring Diagram.

Develop a systematic method to install all customer

Check to insure that no connections are omitted or connected
improperly to guarantee proper operation of the control.
Reference the Wiring Diagram for location of all customer


Route initiation wires on paths isolated from any valve and
transformer wiring. Isolating high voltage from low voltage
wiring is essential in minimizing internal transients. Connect
a solid earth ground to the control cabinet or mounting location
to avoid electrical shock and insure proper control functionality.
Some SCRs have sensitive gates. In these cases, special care
should be taken to isolate interconnecting wires.

Figure 2-1.  Input/Output Assembly

mounting detail

Figure 2-2.  Firing Board

Assembly mounting detail
