Please pay attention to following matters in order to operate your flow switch properly.
It should be placed
in such a manner that
middle point of palette
will come into pipe axis.
Please do not dip cables
potting into liquids,otherwise
instulation problem may cause.
Do not fasten switch reversely ,
otherwise its characteristics
might be changed.
Please do not drop ,
otherwise the characteristics
might be changed.
Do not fasten switch reversely ,
otherwise its characteristics
might be changed.
Please avoid using with liquids which
damage materials of parts ,
otherwise quality can not be
maintained accurately.
Vibration might be
caused instability.
Do not remove the plastic parts
of the bottom of the switch body ,
do not loosen.
Excess current , to be drawn as
a result of direct connection to motor,
may burn relay of switch
In case vapour splash cable
potting points,insulation
problem may cause.
Please do not mount
slant way, otherwise
switch do not work correctly.
Do not pull the cable strongly,
otherwise the characteristics
might be changed.
Please keep away from magnetic materials
like iron board ; otherwise the
characteristics might be affected
iron board