All connections to the BrightEye converter are made on the rear of the unit.
Refer to the illustration below.
Power Connection
Connect a modular power supply to the 12 volt DC power input connection on the
far left. Use the locking ring to secure it.
USB Connector
The USB connector is used to provide more comprehensive control, diagnostics,
and upgrades to the unit from a PC or Mac. Use the BrightEye Control applica-
tion included on CD-ROM to make adjustments as described in the
section of this user guide.
Input/Output BNCS
There are five rear BNC connectors which are used as follows:
The Serial Digital Component output of the converter is presented on this
connector. This output conforms to the ITU-R 601 standard for serial digital
video, with SMPTE 259M serialization at 270 Mb/s.
Pb In
This is an internally terminated, 75 ohm input for the following:
Beta or SMPTE – Pb input
Pr, C In
This is the internally terminated, 75 ohm input for the following format signals:
Beta or SMPTE – Pr (Y-R) input
S-Video (composite) – C input
BrightEye 3 Rear Connectors