© 2013-2015 – Endorphin.es – Cargo
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After the frequency has been set by some taps you may disconnect your USB MIDI device while leaving the whole system pow-
ered and the clock signal will remain constant until new taps will be transmitted. Same is applied to all built-in generators or CC/
velocity/note voltages – after a lost USB MIDI device disconnection they will continue to generate at the last defined frequency/
voltage until you turn Shuttle Control off.
19. Tap LFO Square/Spike/Triangle/Sine/Saw rising/Saw falling/S&h/Fluctuating
same as CC conrolled LFO (p. 8 of that
manual) but the frequency of the LFO is defined (and syncronized) by three or more taps by a certain (or any) MIDI note.
20. Bi-directional host-to-device, device-to-host and host-in-to-host-out (host loopback) MIDI data transfer (including
MIDI sync).
All three modes can be turned on simultaneously, just mind there will be no MIDI feedback occure.
You may play notes from USB-MIDI keyboard and besides outputting CV you may send all MIDI signals (or sync) into your DAW
(PC/MAC/iOS) or vice versa. You may also return all sent MIDI signals from your MIDI keyboard to the same MIDI output that
acts as a MIDI-THRU to chain other MIDI devices. The Shuttle Control module may become a bit warmer than earlier when using
that feature.
The schematic on page 12 pictures will give you visual understanding of MIDI signal routing from/to different MIDI devices.
need to have internet
access to be able to generate or edit existing Shuttle Control configurations.
After you navigated the
for Shuttle Controls running
on firmware 1.3)
you may either:
save current midi mapping (one preset) into .mid file
save the whole bank of all 16 mappings into .mid file, or
load .mid file with either one mapping (into current preset) or load thewhole bank.
Shuttle Control uses System Exclusive (SysEx) data to store and edit presets into Standard MIDI File (*.mid) format. Saved .mid
file extension may be renamed into .syx and loaded in same way in case you prefer using your SysEx managers that support
.syx files only.
All you need to load custom mappings into Shuttle Control is to play that midi file in any midi player choosing Shuttle Control
as your midi output device.
The easiest way is to put (drag-n-drop) the .mid file to a new MIDI track in your DAW, choose the output of that MIDI track to
your Shuttle Control MIDI interface and press play. During playback you will see a small dot that indicates MIDI activity blinking
as well as a
symbol the will appear on Shuttle Control’s 7-segment display,which means
(or whole bank) is loaded.
some DAW or MIDI players filter by default or even don’t transmit SysEx messages at all - Ableton Live version 9
for example. Refer to the manual of the software you are using to enable SysEx transmit over MIDI or use another sysex/midi
managers given in that manual.
In case you upload one single mapping preset into Shuttle Control, it will be uploaded into current selected preset number (cell).
MIDI dump (retrieving of presets dump) from Shuttle Control isn’t supported. Transfer of the presets is one way only, i.e., push-
ing generated .mid files into device.
Sometimes when you upload the whole full bank to your Shuttle Control it may be imported with wrong CV outputs. Simply
decrease the speed of your sequencer to 30-40 BPM, re-play the system exclusive message and it will be written properly.
In iOS it’s impossible to save .mid file directly on you iOS device. That’s why there is
save to
load from
Google Drive and
Dropbox options enabling you to save and load .mid files directly from/to that cloud services and afterwards import them using
MIDI player apps that support importing files from clouds. To be able to save/load to clouds services you should be registered
in appropriate online service and prompt / give permissions of Shuttle Control editor to save/load MIDI files within your cloud
Some mobile browsers may have issues when using save/load to clouds functions. For example, mobile iOS Safari browser sup-
ports both Dropbox and Google Drive savers/loaders. Dropbox saver isn’t supported by mobile Google Chrome for iOS, however
Google Drive curiously enough works fine in mobile Chrome.
Sweet MIDI
is a free app for iOS that supports loading MIDI files from Dropbox to an internal iOS storage and playing them via
a Core MIDI interface. Connect your Shuttle Control to your iPad with the
to device
connector via a Camera Connection Kit or
Lightning to USB Camera Adapter. Launch SysEx Librarian app. In the App settings choose: Sound > Output type: Core MIDI and
MIDI output to: Session 1). Then press the Dropbox icon, log into you Dropbox account and press (+) in front of the desired .mid
file with the presets you would like to load. Then press ‘Done’ and wait a few seconds until the list with MIDI files has updated.
Press ‘Auto’ to disable repeating all tracks playback. Choose your loaded midi file with the presets and press ‘Play’. A free ver-
sion of that app will not play the last quarter of a midi file, however that’s enough to load a preset into Shuttle Control.