
5.1.2 Funkcia Tlačidlo (Push)
Do programovania tejto funkcie sa vstúpi dvomi krátkymi stlačeniami
tlačidla, čo je signalizované trvalým svitom LED1 a pomalým blikaním
Pre zápis kódu vybraného vysielača do pamäte prijímača je treba
dvakrát po sebe vyslať požadovaný kód (stlačením jedného alebo
niekoľkých jeho tlačidiel vysielača).
5.1.3 Funkcia Časovač (Timer)
Do programovania tejto funkcie sa vstúpi tromi krátkymi stlačeniami tla-
čidla prijímača, čo je signalizované pomalým striedavým blikaním LED1
a LED2.
Pre zápis kódu vybraného vysielača do pamäte prijímača je treba
dvakrát po sebe vyslať požadovaný kód (stlačením jedného alebo
niekoľkých jeho tlačidiel vysielača).
Po zápise kódu prijímač prejde do režimu odmeriavania času, ktorý je
signalizovaný súčasným pomalým blikaním LED1 a LED2. Po uplynutí
požadovanej doby sa odmeriavanie času ukončí stlačením tlačidla na
prijímači. Ak nie je tlačidlo stlačené, dôjde k ukončeniu odmeriavanie
času automaticky po uplynutí maximálneho možného času (120 minút)
a táto hodnota sa uloží do pamäte.
5.2.1 Vymazanie jedného kódu alebo všetkých kódov vysielača
Do režimu mazania kódu sa vstúpi dlhým (> 0,5 s) stlačením tlačidla na
prijímači. Tento stav je signalizovaný rýchlym blikaním LED1.
Teraz je potrebné dvakrát po sebe vyslať kód, ktorý má byť vymazaný –
dvojnásobným stlačením zodpovedajúceho tlačidla alebo zodpovedajú-
cej kombinácie tlačidiel. Ak sú jednotlivé tlačidlá toho istého vysielača
naprogramované s rôznymi funkciami, je možné stlačením určitého tla-
čidla vymazať len zodpovedajúcu časť vysielača.
Na vymazanie všetkých kódov daného vysielača naraz je potrebné pri
mazaní stlačiť všetky jeho tlačidlá (celý hmatník).
5.2.2 Vymazanie celej pamäte prijímača
Stlačením tlačidla prijímača dlhším než 10 s dôjde k vymazaniu všetkých
kódov z pamäte. To je signalizované následným rozsvietením obidvoch
Built-in switch with receiver
for wireless control system
Instructions for installation and use
Nominal voltage:
230 V AC (±10 %), 50 Hz
Maximum switched power output: 2300 W resistance load, conventional
and halogen bulbs at 230 V AC;
1750 VA halogen bulbs with
transformer, electronic ballasts;
500 VA / 64 μF fluorescent units
Switching element:
relay (closing contact)
Wire cross-section:
max. 1.5 mm
(screw terminals)
IP 20 according to ČSN EN 60529
44 × 44 × 25 mm
Operating temperature:
0 °C to +55 °C
Working frequency:
433.92 MHz
Codes in memory:
max. 254
Detection zone:
approximately 20 m
No additional modifications to the device allowed!
Hereby, ENIKA.CZ s.r.o. declares that this device 3299-11500 complies
with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of
Directive 1999/5/EC.
The 3299-11500 receiver is used for remote wireless control of electric
appliances using portable or wall transmitters. Transmitters communicate
with the receiver via encoded radio signal. According to programming, the
transmitter can be used in the following modes: Always Switch On, Always
Switch Off, Change-over Switch (On/Off), Pushbutton or Timer.
3.1 General notes
The device can be connected to the mains only by a specialized technician
with appropriate electric qualifications.
Turn off mains voltage supply before initiating installation work!
The device is intended for continuous operation and for connection to the
permanent installation that must comply with appropriate standards and
Electric circuit to which the appliance with the receiver is connected must be
protected by an element (fuse, breaker) of cutoff current max. 16 A.
3.2 Connecting and installation
The device is designed for building in common electric installation boxes
with minimum depth of 25 mm.
Due to risk of reducing the detection zone, it is not recommended to locate
the receiver near sources of electromagnetic interference. Strong
electromagnetic field may impair or disable correct function of the receiver!
Detection zone depends on the material in which the receiver is built-in.
Conductive materials and items near the receiver decrease its operating
See Fig. 1 for connection diagram for the receiver and appliance.
The device can be controlled only by compatible transmitters of BOSys
system (series 3299).
Before commissioning, each transmitter must be programmed. While
programming, the code of pressed pushbutton (pushbuttons) of the
transmitter will be stored into the receiver memory and one of the following
functions will be selected:
4.1 Always Switch On
When the controlling signal is received, the relay contact will close and
remain closed.
4.2 Always Switch Off
When the controlling signal is received, the relay contact will open and
remain opened.
4.3 Change-over Switch (On/Off)
When the controlling signal is received, the relay contact status changes: it
will close if the previous status was open; it will open if the previous status
was closed.
4.4 Pushbutton
When the controlling signal is received, the relay contact will close and
remain closed as long as the signal is on. Usually, period of continuous
transmitting is limited on the transmitter’s side (e.g. to 25 sec) – after
elapsing this period, the transmitter automatically stops transmitting even if
the pushbutton remains pushed.
4.5 Timer
When the controlling signal is received, the relay contact will close and
open after preset time (from 1 sec to 120 min).
In case the Timer signal is sent again before the programmed period
elapses, countdown will start from the beginning. When the Always On,
Always Off, Change-over Switch or Pushbutton signal is received, the
required function will be performed and countdown will be cancelled.
Use the button on the receiver to program the receiver (setting and deleting
codes) – see Fig. 1. Two LED’s (LED1 and LED2) are used for indication of
individual modes of status. A suitable object such as pen or screwdriver
must be used to press the button.
If no code is stored in the receiver memory, both LED’s are permanently on.
A simultaneous blink of both LED’s indicates successful setting or deletion
of a code.
The programming mode will be automatically cancelled if no valid code from
the transmitter is received within 20 sec from entering the programming
5.1.1 Change-over Switch (On/Off) function
To start this function programming, press the button on the receiver
briefly (< 0.5 sec). LED2 will be flashing slowly.
To store the code of the selected transmitter into the receiver’s memory,
send the required code twice in a sequence. The function is defined by
combination of pressed buttons on the transmitter:
If you press one button of the transmitter or both bottom or both top
buttons simultaneously, the Change-over Switch (On/Off) function will
be assigned to the button(s).
If you press both right-hand side or both left-hand side buttons
simultaneously or all four buttons simultaneously, the Always Switch
On function will be assigned to the top buttons of the transmitter and
the Always Switch Off function to the bottom buttons.
5.1.2 Pushbutton function
To start this function programming, press the button twice briefly. LED1
will be permanently on and LED2 will be flashing slowly.
To store the code of the selected transmitter into the receiver’s memory,
send the required code twice in a sequence (by pressing one or several
buttons of the transmitter).
5.1.3 Timer function
To start this function programming, press the button of the receiver three
times briefly. LED1 and LED2 will be alternately flashing slowly.
To store the code of the selected transmitter into the receiver’s memory,
send the required code twice in a sequence (by pressing one or several
buttons of the transmitter).
When the code is programmed, the receiver changes to the mode of
countdown indicated by simultaneous flashing of LED1 and LED2. After
the required period elapses, stop counting-down by pressing the button
on the receiver. If the button is not pressed, countdown will be stopped
automatically after the maximum time period (120 min) and this value will
be stored into the memory.
5.2.1 Deleting one code or all codes of the transmitter
To enter the deleting mode, press the button on the receiver longer
(> 0.5 sec). LED1 will start flashing quickly.
Then send the code to be deleted twice – press the corresponding
button or combination of buttons twice. If individual buttons of the same
transmitter are programmed with different functions, only the
corresponding part of the transmitter can be deleted by pressing the
selected button.
To delete all codes of the selected transmitter at once, press all buttons
simultaneously (the whole keyboard) during deleting.
5.2.2 Deleting the whole memory of the receiver
Press the button of the receiver longer than 10 sec to delete all codes
stored in the memory. Both LED's will turn on to indicate this action.
Prohlášení o shodě
ENIKA.CZ s.r.o.
190 00 PRAHA 9, Pod Harfou 933/86
IČO: 28218167
tímto prohlašuje, že výrobek
typové označení:
Rx1 I, Rx R I
3299-11500 (Rx1 I); 3299-15500 (Rx R I)
druh výrobku:
vestavný přijímač dálkového ovládání
pracovní kmitočet:
433,92 MHz
-113 dBm
- je ve shodě se základními požadavky
NV 426/2000 Sb.
v platném znění
- odpovídá základním požadavkům a dalším ustanovením evropské direktivy
1999/5/ES (R&TTE)
(Směrnice o radiových zařízeních a telekomunikačních
koncových zařízeních a vzájemném uznávání jejich shody)
- splňuje požadavky těchto norem a předpisů:
rádiové parametry:
EN 300220-3:2000
EN 301489-3:2000; ČSN EN 60669-2-1 ed.3:05
elektrická bezpečnost:
ČSN EN 60669-2-1:05 v návaznosti na
ČSN EN 60669-1 ed.2:03+A1:03+1:05
+2:05+3:08+Z1:08 čl.8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 20,
21, 23, 24, 26, 102
Toto prohlášení je vydáno na výhradní odpovědnost výrobce.
V Nové Pace dne 14.11.2008
ing. Vladimír Militký,
řízení sytému jakosti