2-channel tube guitar amplifier.
Two basic channels Clean and Lead, common 3-Band-EQ, Accutronics reverb spring, Master
controls for the power amp, serial Effects Loop. The channel Clean/Lead switching can be
executed via a footswitch.
You will find guidelines on care and maintenance of tube amps on the last page of the manual.
Please read and heed these before operating your amp. All crucial information pretaining to the
operation of this amp is preceded by "NOTE" or "CAUTION." Please read and heed these as well.
Unbalanced 1/4" input jack.
Preamp controls:
Input Gain control for the Clean and for the Lead channel.
Bottom end voicing control for both channels.
Mid-range voicing control for both channels.
Upper range voicing control for both channels.
Gain for the Lead channel, controls the amount of preamp overdrive
in the Lead mode.
Extremely high gain and volume levels in the Lead mode can produce
strong feedback. Avoid feedback squeals, they lead to hearing loss and
damaged speakers!
Reverb control, adjusts the portion of the reverb signal and increases
reverb intensity when you rotate it clockwise.
Preamp sound switches:
Gain Boost:
Bass and Gain boost of the input stage.
Mid Boost:
Boosts the mid frequencies at 500 Hz.
Alters the EQ by boosting the upper treble range.
Defeats the EQ (Bass, Middle, Treble).
Channel selector switch for Clean and Lead; This feature can also be
switched via the footswitch jack "Clean/Lead" located at the rear panel: the
channel selector switch is deactivated once a footswitch is connected to the
footswitch jack.
The red LED beside this switch indicates Lead channel activ.
Poweramp controls:
Clean Volume:
Master volume control for the Clean channel (located post FX loop). Use
this control to adjust the ratio between the Clean and the Lead Volume.
Lead Volume:
Master volume control for the Lead channel (located post FX loop). Use this
control to adjust the ratio between the Lead and the Clean Volume.
This switch defines the Treble response in the poweramp stage.
Stand By:
Poweramp standby switch.
AC power on/off.