This poweramp is designed for one speaker cabinet per channel. If you decide to connect
additional speakers, ensure you keep the overall impedance in mind! For instance, if you want to
connect two 8Z systems per side, you must first connect them in series and then to the amp's
16Z outputs.
If you are using a stereo speaker cabinet for both channels, ensure it actually operates in the
stereo mode, otherwise you may damage the power amp. A convincing stereo image is achieved
via a quality stereo effects processor and a separate speaker for each channel.
For a very compact setup we recommend the ENGL speaker cabinets E112 (loaded with one 12"
Vintage speaker; wide open panoramic sound with a punchy bottom and crisp high) or the
E210" cabinet (loaded with two 10" Vintage speakers; nicely balanced, warm tone with a burly
midrange). To achieve enormous bottom end, we recommend our flagship cabinets, the E212
and the E412.
The VOLUME A/B switching feature can be used for the following application: In combination
with a multi channel preamp, to activate two different volumes for each channel, for instance
one for rhythm work, the other for soloing.
Use this switch to silence (0 position) the amp when you take a lengthier break. The amp's tubes
stay warm, which means that it is ready to roll immediately when you switch it back to full
power. The standby switch is also well-suited for muting the amp for brief breaks, for instance
when you're switching guitars. If you choose to use just one power amp channel, ensure you
switch the other channel's STANDBY switch off. Never operate an active stereo channel without
a connected speaker, you may destroy the power amp!
The two functions VOLUME A/B and PRESENCE A/B can also be switched via the ENGL MIDI
Switcher Z- 11. Simply connect the 1/4" stereo jack (23) to the stereo input of the Switcher via a
cable equipped with 1/4" stereo plugs. You can control these switching functions via the
buttons on the Switcher. The respective functions (e, g. Volume B and Presence A) are saved to
the desired MIDI program locations. The ENGL MIDI Footswitch Z-12 is ideal for activating MIDI
programs. When used in conjunction with the ENGL MIDI Switcher Z-11, this durable footswitch
does not require a separate AC power pack. The requisite power is routed via the MIDI cable.
The PRESENCE A/B switching feature can be used for the following application: In combination
with a two-channel preamp (Clean/Lead) a possible option could be a setting of 1 to 4 o´clock
for the PRESENCE A controls and a setting of 8 to 12 o´clock for the PRESENCE B controls. Use
PRESENCE A when the preamp is in the clean mode, and PRESENCE B for lead tones.
In addition to a first class tube tone, the 840 poweramp offers a number of
practical features in a powerful 2x50 watt package. Each of the two stereo
channels features two volume and two presence controls (A and B), so you can
dial in diverse volume and presence settings. The A/B controls are switchable via
an external footswitch or through MIDI commands via a MIDI Switcher.
Intelligent design features, superior craftsmanship and finishing and quality
components are what this device is all about. However keep in mind, that a few
precautions will radically extend tube life (see handling and care guidness).
The entire -Team would like to thank you for your faith in our product; we
hope you derive a great deal of joy and satisfaction from your
Read the Operator's Manual carefully and thoroughly, especially
the Handling and Care section as well as the guidelines in bold-face type. Avoid
perating errors and potential damage to the amp by heeding the guidelines and
cautionary remarks in this manual. The footnotes also cover a few convenient
pointers and interesting tips on several functions. These are listed below.