Last update: 2022/05/17
Printed on 2022/12/08 19:19
The device exits factory activated with NONE mode. On request devices can be shipped aleady
Note: in OTAA AppKey is write only, in reading the field will always be empty, even if set.
Time sync
Normally sensor asks for a time sync at every power on (uplink starting with 01) or once a week. If no
or wrong reply received it will retry after 1 hour.
If not handled in the right way can cause a unnecessary battery consumption (battery life < 2 years).
4.2 Other settings
Network settings:
please keep “Any” settings. Change it only if Objenious network is used (default_ any).
Network type:
LoRa syncword can be setted as “private”(0x12) instead “public” (0x34), but the NS must be setted
accordingly (default: public).
select the right LoRaWAN ® band settings accodingly to country requirements.