et selskap i Engbo-gruppen
: Wirgenesvei 7, 3157 Barkåker
: Postboks 2288 Postterminalen, 3103 Tønsberg
+47 33 00 31 50
+47 33 00 31 60
Operating instructions
Preparation before anchoring.
Make sure the boat engine is running during anchoring.
Decide where you want to drop anchor.
Check that the safety line on the anchor has been
Turn on the main switch of the windlass.
When the main switch of the anchor windlass has been
switched off, you
press the down button first.
Keep this button depressed for at least 1 second to drop
the anchor.
The windlass motor will run out for 1.5 seconds to
ensure the correct release function.
Fixed switch panel
Press the down button for at least 1 sec.
The anchor will drop.
The windlass is now released and the rope will run out
in step with the progress of the boat towards land.
Tie up the boat on land.
If you are using a free-fall chain windlass, the high
weight of the chain may result in the full length of the chain
being pulled out. If so, make sure to take up the slack once
you have tied the boat up.
Tighten up the slack of the anchor rope (or chain) by
pressing the up button so that the anchor settles firmly
on the seabed and pulls the boat away from land.
The windlass will always wind in slowly for 1.5 sec
before it switches to full speed. If you release the button
within 1.5 sec and press it again and then repeat the
process, the windlass will continue to wind in at low speed.
Setting off
Start the boat engine to charge the battery.
Check that the main switch of the windlass is
turned on.
Cast off from land.
Activate the windlass.
Keep the up button depressed, and the windlass will pull
the boat away from land. The windlass will pull the anchor
up at full speed until the first
auto stop
is activated.
applies for rope windlasses and requires the
anchor rope to be correctly fitted with brass wire markers.
Keep an eye on the anchor when it leaves the
water and seats in the anchor bracket. This will
allow you to stop the windlass and prevent
damage if the anchor pulls up foreign objects
from the seabed.