Programming - First steps
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Programming - First
Five steps to create a
Structure of the step-by-
step guide
Development environment for the
User programs are executed in the
EibPC within 1 ms cycle
time only
A simple program with no
group address import
Your KNX ™ network is configured
as follows:
sends to '1/0/0'
(lamp) receives to '1/1/1'
receive to '1/1/2'
In the following section we will show you how to program the Enertex
EibPC. We instruct you step
by step in the simple and brief programming language of the Enertex
Creating a program can be done in just a few steps:
Installing the Enertex
EibPC (see page 17).
Configuring the Enertex
EibPC and Enertex
EibStudio (LAN setup, see page 17 and the
following and page 135).
Optional: Importing the ets group addresses of your project.
Creating an application program in the Enertex
Transferring and starting the application program in the Enertex
For the subsequent introduction to the programming of the Enertex
EibPC it is necessary to
complete primarily the first two steps "Installation" and "Configuration". You can also read it
just to familiarize yourself with your Enertex
EibPC. We describe the next steps within this
part of the manual.
In the following we want to introduce the user to the operation of the Enertex
EibStudio and the
possibilities of the Enertex
EibPC by means of examples, step by step.
The Enertex
EibStudio is an application program for Windows
and Linux
computers. It is the
development environment for programming the Enertex
Together with the Enertex
EibPC you purchase a license to use this program.
The Enertex
EibStudio and all components may be used only in conjunction with the Enertex
Application programs can be conveniently created, modified and maintained by the Enertex
EibStudio. By pressing a button, the file is translated (compiled) by an integrated compiler, the so-
called Enertex
EibParser, and sent to the Enertex
EibPC. The EibParser optimizes and controls the
code of the user. Hence, the Enertex
EibParser ensures that even large programs can be executed
within the cycle time of the Enertex
EibPC. The cycle time of Enertex
EibPC is about 1 ms (for
more details see page 125).
Example 1: A switch, a dimmer and a switch actuator
As shown in Figure Figure 1, the EibPC is connected to the KNX™bus via an RS-232 interface with
FT1.2 protocol. In addition, there is a switch which sends on the address '0/0/1' a on or off signal, a
switch actuator for a lamp which receives on address '1/1/1', and a dimmer which receives a
percentage value on the address '1/1/2'.
The addresses for KNX actuators and switches were assigned and programmed within the ets. The
dimmer is parametrized in such a way that it sends the percentage via the address '1/1/2'
immediately. The dimmer has not defined an additional switching object but rather a connected lamp
lights with the specified brightness if the value is greater 0%.
We assume that initially the addresses are not exported from the ets. Therefore you need no ets for
the following example You must simply be aware of the group addresses which have been assigned.
E i b PC
Ei bP C
RS 232
Lamp - binary
Dimmer – Percent
KNX bus
Figure 1: Block diagram Example 1
HandbuchEibPC_USA-30.odt, 2017-05-11
Bayern GmbH - Erlachstraße 13 - 91301 Forchheim - [email protected]