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When commissioning a new battery (first 

charge), follow procedure a) or b). Procedure 

a) is recommended.
a)  IU method (boost charge): 

At a raised voltage of 2.33 – 2.40 Vpc. 

The charging time will be 12 to 24 hours 

depending on the initial charge condition. 

The current must be limited to 4 x I10. Boost 

charging must be switched off or switched 

over to float charging as soon as the fully 

charged state is reached.
b)  Float charge: 

With a voltage of 2.25 Vpc. Full capacity will be 

obtained after a longer period of 4 to 6 weeks 

depending on state of charge.


Float Voltage

The recommended float / charge voltage is 

2.25 V per cell at 20°C (tolerance 2.23 –2.25 

Vpc). The charger voltage amounts to 2.25 

Vpc x no. of cells. If the average ambient 

temperature deviates more than± 10°C 

from the reference temperature of 20°C, it 

is recommended to adjust the float voltage 

to the following temperature compensation 


In case that the average temperature deviates 

less than ±5°C, no temperature compensation 

has to be applied.
The recommended float charge voltage is 2.25 

volts per cell at 20°C. Following a commission 

charge and after 6 months continuous charge 

at the recommended float voltage, individual 

cell voltages will stabilise within ±4.5% of the 

mean applied voltage.
However, immediately following commis-

sioning and for the initial 6 months of 

continuous float charge, individual cell 

voltage values outside the above tolerance 

may be observed without adverse efect. 

There is no relationship between a cell’s float 

voltage and its discharge capacity. Cells are 

prefectly capable of giving their discharge 

capacity even when outside the ±4.5% range.
After 6 months service, should any individual 

cell show a continuing reduction or increase 

in voltage outside the above limits over 

3 successive monthly periods, our sales 

department should be contacted for advice.

Charging Current

Limitation of the charging current is not 

required under float charge condition at 2.25 

Vpc. At higher charge voltages the charge 

current shall be limited to 4 x I



Boost Charge

To reduce the recharge time the battery may 

be recharged at 2.33 – 2.40 V per cell with a 

current limited to 4 x I


. Fast charging must 

be switched over to float charging when the 

fully charged state is reached.

Ripple Current

In the standby operation mode the effective 

value of the A.C. ripple current must not 

exceed 5 A/100Ah C10, otherwise reduced 

operational life must be expected.


The recommended operating temperature 

range is -10°C to +45°C. The battery will give 

best performance and service life when 

working in the temperature range of +10°C 

to +30°C. Higher temperatures reduce 

the operational life. Lower temperatures 

reduce the available capacity. Temporary 

peak temperatures shall not exceed –30°C 

and +55°C. Consideration must be given to 

depth of discharge (low temperatures) and 

ventilation (high temperatures). All technical 

data relates to the rated temperature of 

+20°C. Do not expose cells to direct sunlight.


End of Discharge Voltage

The battery must not be discharged 

more than the capacity specified in the 

performance tables. Deeper discharges 

may damage the battery and shorten its 

operational life. As a general rule the end 

of discharge voltage shall be limited to the 

values listed below:

Individual cell voltages may fall below UE 

by not more than 0.2 Vpc. A low voltage 

disconnect is recommended to prevent deep 

discharge. Special attention should be given 

to small loads that are not automatically 

disconnected at the end of discharge.

Discharged Cells and Monoblocs

OPzV batteries must not be left in a 

discharged condition after supplying the 

load but must be immediately returned to 

recharge mode. Failure to observe these 

conditions may result in greatly reduced 

service life and unreliability.

Accidental Deep Discharge

Following accidental deep discharge, the 

battery must be recharged at 2.25 Vpc 

followed by an equalizing charge. As the 

internal resistance is high at first, the initial 

charge current is low.

Important Notice

Each deep discharge is abusive and could 

affect the life expectancy of the battery.


Capacity tests are to be carried out in 

accordance with IEC 60896-21/22. Check that 

the battery is fully charged. Before testing 

new batteries it must be ensured that a 

sufficient commissioning charge has been 



Float voltage

-10 °C

2.37 Vpc

0 °C

2.33 Vpc

10 °C

2.29 Vpc

20 °C

2.25 Vpc

30 °C

2.23 Vpc

40 °C

2.21 Vpc

Discharge time

End voltage

1h < t < 5h

1.70 Vpc

5h < t < 8h

1.75 Vpc

8h < t < 24h

1.80 Vpc

Temperature Correction Factor

The temperature has an effect on the battery 

capacity. The following table shows the 

correction factors for temperatures other than 

the reference temperature of 20°C.


After a discharge the battery can be 

recharged at the operating voltage (float 

charge voltage). Depending on the depth 

of discharge this may take up to 3 days. To 

reduce the charging time the recharging 

can be carried out with a boost charge 

voltage of 2.33 to 2.40 Vpc (fast charge). 

The recharging times are dependent on the 

depth of discharge and on the charging 

current available. Generally, 10 to 20 hours 

duration can be expected at charging currents 

between 5A and 40A per 100Ah C10 . Fast 

charging must be switched over to float 

charging when the fully charged state is 


Equalising Charge

Under exceptional circumstances only, e.g. 

after deep discharges or after repeated 

inadequate recharging, an equalising charge 

shall be carried out according to clause a) of 

the commissioning charge paragraph or with 

the following IUI characteristic:
Charge at increased voltage of 2.33 – 2.40 

Vpc, then continue with a constant current of 

1.5 A per 100 Ah C10 during which individual 

cell voltages can be allowed to rise to 2.60 

– 2.65 Vpc maximum. The charging must be 

monitored. The charging time at constant 

current shall be 5 to 10 hours.


OPzV batteries are maintenance free, sealed, 

lead acid batteries and do not have to be 

topped up with water or electrolyte. The 

containers and lids should be kept dry and 

free from dust. Cleaning must be undertaken 

with a damp cotton cloth without man-made 

fibres or addition of cleaning agents. Avoid 

static discharges generated during cleaning.
Every 6 months, check the total voltage at 

the battery terminals, the cell voltages of 

pilot cells and the temperature. Once a year, 

in addition to the above, take readings of 

individual cell voltages. Keep a logbook in 

which the measured values can be noted as 

well as power cuts, discharge tests, etc. Do not 

attempt to open the safety valve. Opening 

could cause lasting damage to the battery 

and is prohibited.


Whenever OPzV batteries are to be used for 

special applications such as repeated cycling 

or under extreme ambient conditions please 

contact your sales representative.



Temperature in °C



+10 +20 +30 +40

5-12 hours

0.60 0.78 0.90 1.00 1.05 1.07

1-4 hours

0.55 0.74 0.88 1.00 1.06 1.08
