center, right, rear right, and rear left channels. Make sure all wires are firmly fastened.
If you notice a great lack of bass and/or central image focus, double check your
connections for proper polarity.
NOTE: If you are completing your Home Theater system with an Energy ES Series
powered subwoofer, consult the ES Series owner’s manual for hook-up instructions.
Positioning of your Home Theater Speakers:
Home Theater speakers are designed to provide a large listening window
allowing versatility of room placement.The Center Channel speaker and Left, Right Main
speakers and the left and right surround speakers are sonically matched This ensures
that the sound image coincides with the images on the screen. We suggest that you
follow the guidelines outlined below for each
Home Theater
speaker to achieve the
best performance possible.
Center Channel Speaker:
A center channel speaker’s purpose is to ensure that the central audio image, including
the actors voices, emanate from the TV screen. For best results the center channel
speaker should be located immediately above or below the TV or video screen.
Four protective, self-adhesive rubber feet are enclosed.These should be applied to the
bottom of the center channel cabinet to add stability on bookshelves or television
cabinets and as added protection for your furnishings.
Left and Right Channel Main Speakers:
Home Theater
speakers should be placed on either side of your TV or video
monitor. Since these speakers are magnetically shielded, they may be placed in close
proximity to your television without affecting picture quality. For best stereo separation,
we recommend a distance of 5 feet or more between your Left and Right Main speakers.
It is essential to place your Left and Right Main speakers on rigid speaker stands or
other surfaces such as bookshelves so the tweeter is approximately at the listener’s ear
level when seated. (SST-21 21” high metal stands are ideal for this purpose.)
Energy Surround Effects Speakers:
A pair of
surround effects speakers mounted on (or near) the side walls
adjacent to the listener (or behind the listener) will provide the sense of spaciousness
and ambience recorded in the film soundtrack. Engineered to deliver sound power into
the listening room that is identical to the front speakers, these effects speakers ensure a
smooth and seamless panning of special effects from the front to rear monitors.
Best surround sound effects are derived from dipole speakers that provide a “null”
(dead spot) in the radiation pattern aimed at the main listener(s) position.This pattern
presents an enveloping surround sound field, with no specific directional cues.
H o m e T h e a t e r S y s t e m s
o w n e r s m a n u a l