Maaiinn ffeeaattuurreess
eReader with 6" E-Ink Carta HD Display, 16 gray levels and high contrast for easy reading without
eye stress.
Display resolution 758 x 1024 pixels and 212ppp to appreciate all the texts and images with great
Its design combines elegance and comfort in only 7.6 mm thick and surprisingly lightweight.
Latest generation processor for ultra-fast device management.
Ergonomic design with side buttons created to turn pages with ease, whether you are left or right
handed, ensuring a Zrm grip at all times.
Antire`ection system that prevents glare and re`ections, providing a pleasant reading under
direct sunlight and from different viewing angles.
Rechargeable lithium battery that allows up to one month of use on a single battery charge *.
It has advanced reading functions that provide a more satisfying experience than in paper format:
different sizes and fonts, bookmarks, screen rotation, favorite books, etc.
Supports Adobe DRM (Digital Rights Management) for PDF and EPUB formats.
Very easy to use via an intuitive user friendly OSD available in multiple languages.
Store thousands of books in its internal memory of 8GB, which can also extend 64GB more via
microSD-HC/XC cards.
BBaasseedd oonn hhaallff aann hhoouurr aavveerraaggee ddaaiillyy rreeaaddiinngg ttiim
Geenneerraall oovveerrvviieew
Page backward button
Page forward button
Screen refresh button
Go Back button
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07/11/16 17:36