IIss iitt ppoossssiibbllee ttoo ttuurrnn ooffff tthhee eeRReeaaddeerr wwiitthhoouutt hhaavviinngg aann iimmaaggee oonn iittss ssccrreeeenn??
The eReader will always have an image on its screen, but do not worry as it will not consume your eReaders battery. In
addition to that, you can set another image to be displayed on the shut down screen.
II ccaannnnoott cchhaannggee tthhee ffoonntt ttyyppee ooff aa ppddff ffiillee
The pdf file is shown as created, with its own font types and sizes. Therefore you will not be able to commit any
changes. This is the limitation you will have with this file format. However, you will be able to zoom in/out and browse
through the book as if it was another format.
II ccaannnnoott ooppeenn aann eeBBooookk
Check that your eReaders supports the eBook format.
TThhee eeRReeaaddeerr iiss lloocckkeedd aanndd ddooeess nnoott rreessppoonndd..
Try pressing the reset button using a very thin object such as a paper clip. Then press the ON button.
TThhee eeRReeaaddeerr ddooeess nnoott sshhooww ccoorrrreeccttllyy tthhee eeBBooookk cchhaarraacctteerrss,, tthhee ssppaaccee lliinniinngg,, eettcc..
This is due to the format the file has been digitalized in. Many eBooks are digitalized and formatted automatically
without being reviewed. Use only reliable and quality content providers for the best reading experience.
Waarrrraannttyy ccoonnddiittiioonnss
Energy Sistem Soyntec S.A. is liable for any lack of conformity which exists at the time the goods were purchased
during a period of 36 months. Batteries are excluded from the 36-month warranty, having a warranty period of 12
This warranty covers any defects in workmanship or materials. This warranty does not cover any failure of the
product due to accidents, misuse or alteration made by an unauthorized person.
The special 36-months warranty is valid for the European Union. For other countries, please refer to your specific
SSuuppppoorrtt aanndd wwaarrrraannttyy pprroocceedduurree
Visit the support section at http://support.energysistem.com/es/support (http://support.energysistem.com
/es/support) and select your product to view the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), user manuals, drivers and
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