background image


3.4.  ZOOM

Press zoom button (Z) to adjust the font size in 3 levels: small, middle and large.



Remark: To turn it on press “MENU” and select “Remark” to clear select delete comments and you 
can select between delete made annotations on the page where is and delete all comments made 
in the book. Note: You cannot undo the function delete. Formats that support this feature: HTXT, 


Extract: To turn it on press “MENU” and select “Extract” select pen stylus desired without taking 
off the screen pointer words/paragraph show the remark. Then press the icon that appears in the 
lower left of the screen. Immediately appears a new window where you can save the text in a file 
extension TXT, you can rename the generated file or to save it with the prefix “(extract)” followed 
by the name of the book. Format that support this feature: HTXT, TXT.

3.6.  SEARCH

3.6.1. Books

Press “MENU” button in the Bookcase screen, select “File Search” in the menu, an input frame will 
display, you could press any button to input words. Then press “ok” button to find the content that 
you want, press return button “ ” to close the frame.
If you want to search the other content, just click the input frame again to awake it, and input 
anything you want, and then press “ok”.

3.6.2. Words

Press “MENU” key read mode, select “Search” in the menu, in the box of entry, type the word you 
want to search, press “OK” to find the content you want, press key   to close the search. If you 
want to continue searching for the same word, simply click on the “Right” arrow key. The lower bar 
will display the page where you are.


To mark the desired page must be displayed on screen the desired page, then click the ‘MENU’ key 
and the ‘Mark page’ option, then press the number key “0” you can add a maximum 5 pages per book. 
To go to the marked page, repeat the steps above and the list of pages with the arrow keys up/down 
press “OK” on the page desired and automatically takes you to the page.

Содержание Book 4050

Страница 1: ...User Manual ...

Страница 2: ...2 ContainsReader MobiletechnologybyAdobeSystemsIncorporated Duetocontinuousupdatesontheproduct allfiguresinthismanualareonlyforreference theactual itemisthestandard ...

Страница 3: ...area Including Numberbutton letters functionkeys TheintegratedQWERTYkeyboardenablesyou totakenotesquicklyandeasily Indexbutton Number Pressanynumberbutton1 9toselectandoperatethecorrespondingfunctionatthemenus Pagejumpbutton Number UnderthereadingstatusinDOC TXT HTXT HTML pressthenumberbutton0 9oranycombined numberbuttoncanjumptothecorrespondingpagedirectly Functionshortcutkey Number Press MENU th...

Страница 4: ...Pressthisbuttontorefreshscreen 5 MiniUSBport USBconnectionportusedforchargingthedeviceortransmittingdatawithcomputer 6 Earphoneoutlet Plugearphonehere 7 Microphone Forvoicenotesrecording 8 PenandPenslot Whenthepenispulledoutorinsertedintotheslot itwillstartuporshutdownautomatically andthecorrespondingiconwillappearthetopofthescreen 9 Speaker 10 Lockbutton Lock unlockthekeyboard 11 microSDcardslot ...

Страница 5: ...ethedeviceunderheavymoistureorwet Donotpressthedevicescreen Donotusethedeviceinadirtyordustyenvironment Donotusechemicalstocleanthedevicescreen 2 INTERFACE 2 1 MAIN MENU 1 1 Próximo 2 Previo 15 40 1 1 Próximo 2 Previo 15 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Recent files Bookcase Digital Editions Picture View Audio Notepad Memo Tools Settings Turnonthedevice themainmenuwilldisplayautomatically Toreturntothemainmen...

Страница 6: ...agesupordownbutton 2 3 RECENT READING Thisoptionshowsthelast14filesrecentlyvisited booksandpicturesonly PressUp Downbutton toselectabookandpressOKtoconfirm orpressthenumberbuttontoopenabookdirectly The bookwillopenonthelast readpage Ifitisthefirsttimeyoureadthisbookitwillopenonthefirst page Note IfoneofthebooksthatappearinthelistisdeletedintheSDcard readingrecordremainsin showingthehistoryoffilesl...

Страница 7: ... TURNING Pressthedirectionbuttonstoturnpages youcanalsopressthepageup downbutton 3 3 PAGE JUMPING Underthereadingstatus pressanynumberbutton andthenpress OK toconfirm thebookwill jumptothecorrespondingpagedirectly Ifthereisanerror clickthearrowlefttoremovethenumber andthenmarkthedesiredpage Note Ifthenumberyou veinputismorethanthetotalpagenumber thesystemwon tacceptthis operation ...

Страница 8: ... 6 SEARCH 3 6 1 Books Press MENU buttonintheBookcasescreen select FileSearch inthemenu aninputframewill display youcouldpressanybuttontoinputwords Thenpress ok buttontofindthecontentthat youwant pressreturnbutton toclosetheframe Ifyouwanttosearchtheothercontent justclicktheinputframeagaintoawakeit andinput anythingyouwant andthenpress ok 3 6 2 Words Press MENU keyreadmode select Search inthemenu i...

Страница 9: ...esforviewingthepictures FitWindow FitWidth FitHeightandActual Size Press MENU button andthenselectthecorrespondingdisplaymodesbypressrelated numberbutton 5 AUDIO Therearetwofunctionsinthisoption recordandplay Youcanplaymusicandrecordvoicenotes sounds Andsupportsthefollowingformats mp3 wav wma 5 1 AUDIO LIBRARY Select Audio fromthemainmenuandclick OK orpressthecorrespondingnumberortoaccessthe audio...

Страница 10: ...orward Rewind Forward and Rewind functionsareimplementedbythenumberbutton 4 and 5 Single Cycle Thesetwoplayingmodesareimplementedbythenumberkey 6 VOL Presstheleft rightarrowtodecreaseorincreasethevolume Pre Next Presstheup downarrowtoselectthepreviousornextmusic 5 3 VOICE NOTES Press REC torecordthelogfileissavedinthefolderE audio wavformat Pressthenumber 1 toplaythisfilerecording 5 4 QUICK MUSIC ...

Страница 11: ...n theinputareawill display Click theinputareawilldisplayonthetopofthescreen Click theinputareawilldisplayatthebottomofthescreen 6 1 WORD RECOGNITION UndertheEnglishMode theEnglishwordyou vewrittenintheinputareacanberecognizedand thereisalsosomecandidatewordsappearedintheinputarea Note Pleasekeepclosebetweenthelettersinoneword andleavespacebetweenthewords 6 2 NUMBER STRING RECOGNITION Underthenumbe...

Страница 12: ...locatedatthesideoftheinputareawillgetmoreassociatedwords Handwritingsign Therearesomesignsforcontrollingthehandwriting Tab Inputtabs Space Inputaspace Backspace Deletethepreviouscharacter Enter togoinanewline 7 MEMO Usethisfunctiontoperformanykindofdrawingoruninterpretedhandwriting Eachdocumentmayhavemultiplepages Thetoolsare paintand erase 8 SETTINGS Select Settings inthemainmenu andpress OK toen...

Страница 13: ...LineThickness specifythethicknessofthestrokesdrawnonthescreenwhilehandwriting 8 3 RECENT READING Enable disablethetrackingoftherecentlyreadfilesinordertoshowtheminthe Recentfiles option Cleanup erasetherecentfileslist 8 4 KEY PEN TOUCH SOUND Turnonoroffkey pressandpen touchsounds 8 5 FONT SETTINGS Therearetwoeffectsfordisplayingfont ClearandSmooth Andtwofontsavailable Arial Black 8 6 SYSTEM TIME D...

Страница 14: ...edictionariesusedbythehandwritingrecognitionengine 8 12 AUTO SHUTDOWN SETTING Selectifyouwantthedevicetoshutdownafter40minutes 60minutesornever 9 ADOBE READER INSTRUCTION 9 1 DRM AdobeDRMprotectedPDFandEPUBfilesaresupportedonlyifAdobeDigitalEditions1 5orlateris installedonyourcomputerandyourEbookisconnectedrtothecomputer Setup 1 InstalltheAdobeDigitalEditiononyourcomputer 2 Afterinstallation opent...

Страница 15: ... Theloadingiconofthescreenindicatesthatthedeviceisinchargingmode TheredLEDindicatorwilllight thebatteryinthestatusbariconindicatesthatthebatteryis charging Thedevicewillshutdownautomaticallywhendoesnothaveenoughbattery Pleasechargethebatterywhenoutload Note Thechargingtimeisabout4hoursusingtheUSBcable and2hoursusingtheAC DCpower adaptor TheredLEDindicatorwillbeoffwhenchargingisfinished It sbettert...

Страница 16: ...intheright folder otherwise thefileswon tbeopened forexample saveTXT HTXT PDF EPUB DOC HTML filesinto e_book savepicturesinto e_image andsavemusicinto e_audio 11 SPECIFICATIONS DisplayTechnology EInk ElectronicPaper ScreenSize Approx 5 MeasuredDiagonally Resolution 600 H x800 V GrayScale Max 8 LevelGrayScale Supportedtexttypes TXT HTXT HTML PDF EPUB DOC Supportedimagetypes JPG TIF BMP PNG GIF Max ...

Страница 17: ...SET Whenthedevicepresentbadfunction clickthe RESET holelocatedatthebackofdevicetorestart thesystem 11 3 RECOMMENDATIONS Underthedirectsunlightorlow temperatureenvironment thecharactersdisplayedonthescreen wouldbefading pleaserefreshthewholescreen Duetothelimitationofmemory somecomplexDOC PDFandHTMLfilescan tbedecodedbythe device Preventimpairedhearingbyusingearphoneforalongtime Pleaseadjustthevolu...

Страница 18: ...ail support energysistem com Alternatively youmayprefertocontactthedistributorfromwhichyoupurchasedtheproduct presentingthepurchasereceiptorinvoice Specificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice 2010byEnergySistem Allrightsreserved 12 TRADERMARKS Allcompany brandandproductnamesaretrademarksorregisteredtrademarksoftheirrespectivecompanies 13 DECLARATION OF CONFIRMITY ManufacturerName EnergySistemSoy...

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