ENERGY SISTEM 14 Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 12


point (A) pressing the NEXT button. Once the song reaches your desired end point, press NEXT again to mark the ending point (B). The 

selection will loop endlessly until you press once again the MENU button.



 Brings you back to the music player screen. Alternatively you can go back at any time pressing MENU.

You can watch the lyrics of a song while it is being played by holding the MENU button a couple seconds. The lyrics are text files with the 

same name as the music file but with the LRC file extension. If your songs do not have this LRC files, the lyrics will not be shown, but the 

music will playback with no problems.

To go back to the main menu of the player, hold the MENU button a few seconds. Going back to the main menu will pause the music 



 If your song has lyrics, pause first the playback to go back to the main menu.



Your MP3 Energy™ has an integrated FM radio with 20 presets and direct recording. To listen to the radio, select the RADIO option in the 

main menu. The player will position at the same station that you had selected last time.

With the NEXT/PREVIOUS buttons you can browse the FM frequency range. With single pressings you will advance/return one step, and 

holding the buttons will perform auto searches. In case you position the dial on a broadcast with a preset, its number will appear at the 

middle of the screen.  With single pressing on the PLAY button you can browse up the presets available in memory. Holding /- will 

increase/decrease the volume respectively.

You can access the radio options submenu by pressing the MENU button while on the FM radio frequency screen. Browse through the 

different options with the /- buttons and select one by pressing the PLAY button:


“Auto Search”:

 It scans the frequency range and stores the first 20 broadcasts in the presets.



 Allows you to save the broadcast currently selected inside the next free preset. If the 20 presets are all occupied the last one will 

be overwritten.



 Choose this option to erase the currently selected preset.


“Delete all”: 

Erases all current presets.



You can record the current FM broadcast on WAV files. Press the PLAY button to begin recording, and pause/resume the 

recording by pressing PLAY button once again. To finish the recording press the MENU button. To exit the FM record mode back to the 

frequency screen, hold the MENU button.



 Brings you back to the frequency screen. Alternatively you can go back at any time pressing MENU.

To go back to the main menu, hold the MENU button a few seconds. Going back to the main menu will close the FM reception.



Your MP3 Energy™ is able to perform voice recording with its integrated microphone. To enter the voice record mode, select the RECORD 

option in the main menu. 

Press PLAY to start recording. You can pause/resume the recording by pressing PLAY once again. To finish recording, press the MENU 

button. To exit the voice record mode, hold the MENU button.



The sound files that you recorded are stored at the root directory. The files are stored in WAV format. You can listen to these files by 

selecting the VOICE option at the main menu. Doing so will bring you to the recordings playback screen, where only the WAV files inside the 

Содержание 14 Series

Страница 1: ...1 Manualdeusuario Usermanual Manuel de l utilisateur Manual do utilizador ENERGY MP3STICK 14Series MP3 PLAYER ...

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Страница 12: ...sstheradiooptionssubmenubypressingtheMENUbuttonwhileontheFMradiofrequencyscreen Browsethroughthe differentoptionswiththeVOLUME buttonsandselectonebypressingthePLAYbutton 1 AutoSearch Itscansthefrequencyrangeandstoresthefirst20broadcastsinthepresets 2 Save Allowsyoutosavethebroadcastcurrentlyselectedinsidethenextfreepreset Ifthe20presetsarealloccupiedthelastonewill beoverwritten 3 Delete Choosethis...

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Страница 17: ...ur passerd unfichieràunautre Vouspouvezégalementavanceretreculerrapidementunechansonenappuyantrespectivementles boutonsPREVIOUS NEXT AppuyezVOLUME réglervotrevolumed écoute La musiqueenmodepause vouspouvezaccéderausous menu Navigation enappuyantsurleboutonMENUdanslafenêtrede reproductiondemusiquepourafficherlesdifférentesoptionsdisponibles Déplacez vous entrelesoptionsaveclesboutonsVOLUME etchoisi...

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