Your generator requires some assembly. This unit ships
from our fa cto ry w ith o u t oil. It m ust be properly serviced
w ith fuel and oil before operation.
Remove the Generator from the Shipping Carton
1. Set the shipping carton on a solid, fla t surface.
2. Remove everything from the carton except the
3. Using the handle of the unit, carefully remove the
generator from the box.
Add Engine Oil Cont’d.
Use 4-Cycle Automotive Oil
I_____ L
10W -30
-2 0
2 0
4 0
6 0
8 0
1 0 0
1 2 0
Degrees F a h re n h e it0 (O u ts id e )
Add Engine Oil
DO NOT a tte m p t to crank or sta rt the engine before
it has been properly fille d w ith the recom m ended
type and am ount of oil. Damage to the generator as
a result of fa ilu re to follovv these in stru ctio n s will
void your warranty.
1. Place the generator on a fla t, Ievel surface.
2. Loosen the cover screvvs and remove the
m aintenance cover.
4. D B 23i add 0 .4 5 L /D B 3 5 i add 0 .6 L of oil and replace
oil f ill ca p /d ip stick.
5. Check engine oil Ievel daily and add as needed.
The engine is equipped w ith a lo w -o il-sh u to ff and
w ill stop when the oil Ievel in the crankcase fails
belovv the threshold Ievel.
The recom m ended oil type is 10W -30 4-cycle
autom otive oil.
v_____________________________________ y
Check oil often during the break-in period. Refer to the
Maintenance section for recommended Service intervāls.
v__________________ ____________________ /