Eco 250esm / 300esm / 280i / 200p
Tab 4. Piping diameter (aspiration and liquid)
Fig. 17 Conical shape
other on the block’s support structure
(compressor or flange) and verify that no
continuity actually exists.
- The Thermodynamic Block is coupled into
the existing flange (at the lower part of the
hot water cylinder).
- Correctly place the sealing gasket before
tightening up between the flanges.
Fig. 14 Coupling of the Block to the hot water cylinder
- Place the heat exchanger into the hot water
cylinder, taking special care upon its
placement, avoiding any damage.
- The coupling of the Thermodynamic Block
to the water cylinder shall be done with the
supplied screws. Tightening of the screws
must be done with a crosshead screwdriver,
guaranteeing air-tightness.
The hot water cylinder shall be properly fixed
in place at the moment the Thermodynamic
Block is positioned, thus avoiding any slight
drop in the unit, considering that there will be
a centre of gravity dislocation.
5.4 Connections
The copper tubes used to connect the
thermodynamic block to the solar panel shall
be refrigerant type without sewage (Type Cu
DHP according to the ISO1337 standards
and EN12735).
Piping Diameters
9,52 3/8’’ 6,35 1/4’’
In any circumstance shall be
used sanitary water copper
Panel Connections
Take off the covers of the copper pipes ends.
Place the extremity of the pipe turned down
and cut the pipe at a distance intended.
Remove the existing barbs.
Remove the connections nuts from the panel
and place them aside of the pipe. Make a
conical shape at the end of the pipes with an
appropriate tool.
Fig. 16 Barbs removal