SIS-PWM Silver Shield(TM) advanced
surge protector with power meter
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voltage limits. It warns about dangerous conditions of power mains,
which may cause damage to some equipment. Indicator ‘L” (means
Load) lights or blinks, if the equipment has inductive or capacitive type
of the load. Such equipment may cause EMI noise and voltage spikes
to the power mains. On most such kinds of loads it blinks in the moment
of it’s powering on or off.
Figure 1 – Small display window
Main display window displays power characteristics on the
equipment connected: True (P), Reactive (Q), Apparent (S) power,
power factor (cos fi), energy consumed (Ep), apparent energy (Es), rms
current (I rms), peak current (I peak), active ( R ) and reactive (X)
impedance, rms voltage (Vrms), peak voltage (Vpeak). Additionaly, it
shows the cost of energy consumed (money sign) since the previously
set date. Energy and cost values may be reset to zero and current date
will be set as start point, when pressing “Reset” button.