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brief quick flashing of the lamp on the housing which will then extinguish. Program first one socket then
the other in this way, otherwise they will react to the same signal.
You can then toggle the socket on and off by hitting the return key. You can also switch it manually on
and off by briefly pressing the button on the front housing.
You can always reset the socket programming by perfoming a factory reset.
The socket memory can be fully erased by a factory reset:
1. Turn the socket OFF
2. Press and hold the Green button on the socket until the LED light flashes quickly - the Red LED light
will flash at 1 second intervals first then flash quickly indicating a full reset.
To increase the range of the transmitter you may wish to add an extra antenna to the circuit board. You
can do this by soldering a piece of ordinary copper wire 13.5cm long into the hole marked ANT1 on the
circuit board.
If using more than one socket, they will need to be inserted into separate mains wall
sockets with a physical separation of at least 2 metres to ensure they don't interfere with each other. Do
not put into a single extension lead.
Controlling the extension lead
The RF transmitter add-on board is also compatible with our 4 way radio controlled extension lead,
product code ENER010. You can visit our website to purchase:
Here is the program ENER002.py
#import the required modules
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
# set the pins numbering mode
# Select the GPIO pins used for the encoder K0-K3 data inputs
GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(15, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(13, GPIO.OUT)
# Select the signal used to select ASK/FSK
GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.OUT)
# Select the signal used to enable/disable the modulator
GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.OUT)
# Disable the modulator by setting CE pin lo
GPIO.output (22, False)
# Set the modulator to ASK for On Off Keying
# by setting MODSEL pin lo
GPIO.output (18, False)