4.5.3. Tracking
You can make a camera follow the moving object automatically (In case of catching more than moving objects at the same time, a bigger object will be
Zoom Enable
Set to enable or disable linked zoom capability during tracking.
Return Time
Set the dwell time before move to previous position once tracking is inactive. (Off, 3~99 seconds)
Lost Mode
Choose „Stop” or „Zoom Out” when object has been lost.
Stop: Stop Tracking in current position when object lost
Zoom Out: „Zooming Out” will be activated in 3 seconds after object was lost. However this can not work if you switched off
„Zoom Enable”.
Object Size
Set the min/max size.
Exclusion Area
Set the exclusion area
View Angle Limit
Set to enable or disable limits of view angle during tracking
On: Enable limits of view angle only during tracking
Off: Enable limits of view angle during tracking always
Right Limit
Set 0.0 ~ 359.9
Left Limit
Set 0.0 ~ 359.9
High Limit
Set 0.0 ~ 80.0
Low Limit
Set 0.0 ~ 80.0
Follow steps as below to set the Tracking:
. Set the Zoom Enable.
. Set the lost mode.
3. Select the object size and the exclusion area.
Follow the procedure of the detection above to the object size and the exclusion area.
4. Select the Exit (with saving) and push the
to the right. Press
to exit the program without saving.
NOTE: If you set to the sensitivity of tracking, select the motion in event function. Then set to the sensitivity of motion. Select to the tracking in
event function again.
NOTE: Auto tracking will be activated with an indicator (+) focused on the center of the object
NOTE: Malfunctions in Auto Tracking might occur for the following cases:
• The object brightness is almost identical to the background luminance or in environments with extreme low light conditions
• Water drop or damp on the Dome’s Bubble
• An environment with extreme changes in illumination
• An environment where there is excessive other non-target movement
• An environment where there is extreme twinkling or lambency on the object
• Movement too close to the camera optical axis
• Movement of the target in the vicinity directly below the camera
• Target movement that is very fast or very slow
• When the moving objects are either large or small in comparison to the preconfigured object size
• When the camera is unsteady due to improper installation